• "...Video shows everything"

    "The snares are very well made with an impressive locking system. The video shows everything from improvising snares using picture hanging cord in a survival situation all the way up to kill traps for large prey. Great idea!"

    G. Braches

  • "The lock-out piece is fantastic."

    "Have set snares myself on 3 wilderness trips and am impressed with the thought and quality that went into this snare system. The lock-out piece is fantastic. Was informed by the video of some new ways of snaring that I didn't know about, superior to my former method. Thank you for your info and dedication to your members."

    B. Lundy

  • "Must have in your survival pack."

    "The Survival Snares are great quality and I am very happy to have them. The instructional DVD was great. Must have in your survival pack."

    R. Rowan

  • "...It was so easy"

    "I truly love this snare package, I immediately watched the video and set up a snare and it was so easy. I can hardly wait to try some of the other snares taught on the video. A must have."

    S. Harrell

  • "...A must have"

    "The high tech TRS Snare is very well designed; light weight but a must have. What's great about John's instruction is that he uses difficulties he encounters to further help us. Great package."


  • "...Information was first rate"

    "The quality and information was first rate - the video was outstanding and real...especially real! It, and, of course, the snare are now part of my bug out bag."

    J. Moore

  • "...Tough enough to snag a good sized critter"

    "The video is great, full of info. From it I surmised that the snare I got is top notch, tough enough to snag a good sized critter. I will keep several 'little' ones I learned about in the video in a kit, and the main one as a fail safe reserve."


Allow Me To Give You
For FREE...

The One Simple...
Easy To Use...
Lightweight “Booby-Trap”
Survival Tool...

That’ll Guarantee
You A Continual Supply of
Fresh Protein-Rich Meat
Straight From The Wild.

View Transcript

As Seen In:

As Seen On: American Handgunner, Black Belt Magazine, Guns & Ammo, Men's Fitness, Men's Journal, Muscle & Fitness

Accredited Member of:

Accredited Member of: NRA Business Alliances, BBB, Authorize.Net

Dear Friend,

This is exciting news – especially if you’re one of the handful of red-blooded men intelligent enough to set aside an emergency bag just in case things ever hit the fan.

Because with your permission I will now give you – for FREE – a survival gadget that could save your life.

This is a must for your bug out bag, especially if you’re interested in...

Avoiding Starvation
During A Crisis.

This tool weighs less than ounces – requires no batteries or maintenance, takes up only about as much room as a small compass.

And yet once you understand how to use it, it will provide you with a continual supply of high calorie food for as long as you need.

What is it? Well, if you haven’t guessed, I’m talking about a snare.

Now hold on. Give me chance here and I will PROVE everything I’m saying by rushing you your very own top-of-the-line TRS Survival Snare – for FREE.

I will also teach you how to use this snare... plus show you how to set up wicked hair trigger booby traps that can kill large animals in an instant.

“Simple Trapping Secrets” is a nearly 3 hour video training course that I’ll send you right along with your free TRS Survival Snare.

This video makes things so easy. I mean snaring and trapping and booby traps are not that difficult – in fact they’re pretty simple to set up – but you gotta know some insider tricks to have any success.

It means the difference between living comfortably off the land for as long as you choose or scrounging through the bush...

Surviving On
Worms And Insects.

More about your free Survival Snare and that how-to video in a minute.

Hi, it’s Jimbo over here at FightFast.

For over 25 years, we’ve been showing average guys like you simplified secrets to protecting yourself and your loved ones.

We call in the experts and get them to pass along their most treasured secrets to you.

The guys we find are always the real deal.

Like DELTA Force Operatives who teach you how to protect your camp with clever booby traps... mountain men who can show you how to track man or beast across the toughest terrain...

survivalists who can tell you how to disappear for months and emerge from the bush tanned and well-fed... and more.

These experts spill their guts because they know we produce the most respected and trusted instructional packages on the planet.

This TRS Survival Snaring package is one of them.

It provides you the simple tools and knowledge to actually live off the land... just like our ancestors did.

Look, I don’t think anyone actually wants our current technology to melt down. Personally I like my local food store. It’s convenient.

But I’m not blind. There’s a hundred different ways that this could all go south. I don’t want to go into all that right now. But you can see what’s happening around you for yourself...

Sometime, Somewhere...
Something’s Gotta Give!

Anyone with common sense knows it’s just plain smart to be prepared for it. Doesn’t mean you gotta stand on a street corner ranting that the end is near.

No. Just the opposite. Being prepared gives you a sense of quiet confidence, knowing you’ve got things covered... just in case.

But even if you’ve squirreled away a year’s supply of dried goods, which I doubt, that’s still not enough. If things get bad... I means really bad... you will eventually run out of food.

No doubt.

And yes, a person CAN live for 30 days or so without food.

But around day two, things start to get pretty miserable. You’re ticked off... constantly tired... you can’t think straight... your body starts to weaken and break down.

And that’s after just a couple days without food. This is not how you want to start off during a crisis.

My point is this: Use the food rations you’ve stashed away to buy some time. Get out of Dodge... hike over to a hidden camp or hide site somewhere...

...then lay low while you set up a reliable way of replenishing your food supplies straight from nature.

You should forget about hunting with a gun too unless you want to announce yourself to every goon within earshot.

If society really does collapse, you count on one thing...

The World Will Become
A Very Dangerous Place.

So using snares and booby traps is a much smarter way.

It means securing a steady supply of rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, bobcats, fox, possum whatever other critters are living within the area you’re trapping -- without drawing a lot of attention to yourself.

And you don’t have to travel deep into the wilderness to find most of the animals either. A lot of them are already living in wooded areas just outside the suburbs.

But there’s a problem.

Most guys may be familiar with snaring, but few really understand the underlying secrets to actually making it work. A hundred fifty years ago it was a skill every father passed down to his son.


It’s Almost A Lost Art.

Which is why I don’t want to just send you a top-notch snare – without actually showing you how to use it.

But before I tell you about the instruction you’ll get, first let me describe the free snare you’ll receive.

It’s custom made in America by American craftsman -- uniquely engineered for extreme effectiveness, reliability and ease of use.

I want you to have it for nothing, just so I can show you that anyone – even you -- can survive on your own wits if you just have the right tools and knowledge.

This TRS Survival Snare is a beauty. Top quality and crafted from durable 1/16 zinc-coated 7x7 galvanized steel cable – the best you can get.

It employs the most recent breakthroughs in snaring technology. Which is why trapping experts around the world love this snare.

It won’t rust and is simple, reliable and so tough that it’ll last you a lifetime even under the most extreme conditions.

The TRS Survival Snare has got an astonishing 480-pound breaking strength...

Strong Enough
To Hold Almost Any Animal.

Even a fighting wild pig can’t break free from this.

The base of the cable has an end swivel, so it pivots freely. If the animal rolls, it won’t tangle or knot or tear up the cable.

Your snare also has a clever and very reliable micro-lock. This allows the loop to close quickly around your catch without slipping back open.

And the lock mechanism has been purposely constructed thicker and rounder than other snares to prevent it from cutting into the animal and damaging the meat and pelt.

Also the uniquely designed support collar allows you to precisely position the snare loop.

You’ll learn more about the importance of this later -- in the video -- but basically this collar threads tightly around your support wire so that the loop can be adjusted to a specific height and width – and then stay there.

I’ll even send you the support wire for free.

It’s 30-inches of specially annealed 11-gauge steel – much more flexible and durable than standard wire you’d purchase at your corner hardware store.

Again, this will help you position and keep your snare exactly where you need it.

The length of the TRS Survival Snare is a full 48 inches. That’s 4 feet...

Enough To Snare
A Large Animal!

Or for placing your loop at a comfortable distance from the anchor... or even just to have as a handy tool in the bush, for lashing or for any number of other uses.

Another important feature is that your snare is flexible, but firm enough so that it can still be “loaded” – unlike your typical 7x19 cable -- which is considered to be too soft by most experienced trappers.

If you don’t know what that means, don’t worry. Just means the snare has a kind of tension build into it so that it snaps shut quickly. The video will explain all that and more.

Your instructor is the accomplished Oregon trapper John Kiser. We’re lucky to get him because he’s one of the most knowledgeable bush craft masters around.

His Common Sense Outdoors is a super-respected source of information among the inner circles of survivalists and trappers.

The video that you’ll receive is fun, riveting, and occasionally...

Downright Shocking!

Especially the booby trap stuff.

But it’s jammed with vital information you must know if you’re interested in surviving in the wild.

John shows you everything you’ll need to know about snares and lethal booby traps. The booby traps section is nothing to mess around with.

It’s fascinating – especially the trap door triggers -- because you can bring down large animals in an instant.

But these traps can also capture and kill people. So you gotta be careful. This is for life and death survival situations only.

In this DVD package the first thing John covers is snare traps. You’ll discover things like:

  • The two main reasons why using a snare like the TRS Survival Snare is superior to fishing line, bank line, or even para-cord.
  • You’ll also learn how to make your own snares from inexpensive “picture wire”. Of course your TRS Survival Snare is much tougher, so, unlike a homemade wire snare, your TRS snare can be used over and over again. It’s reliable, and absolutely fool proof right out of the package. So there’ll be no surprises or struggling to “figure it out” when you need it. But if you’re ever caught without your TRS Survival Snare, at least you’ll know how to create your own one-time use snares from scratch if need be.
  • You’ll also learn a simple rule of thumb for determining correct loop size and distance off the ground when trapping squirrels and rabbit-sized animals – which are your most likely targets in a survival situation. It’s a quick and easy way to get it right without measuring anything.
  • Also, why an animal’s natural “laziness” makes him an easy target for your snare. John shows you how to use this knowledge to keep yourself well-fed.
  • You’ll also discover the most effective way to ensure you always snare the critter cleanly around the neck – which is the quickest way and the most humane way of dispatching him without risk of twisting and tearing up your snare.
  • A very clever double-sided method to baiting your snare so that catching a squirrel becomes simple child’s play.
  • Why your snare kit should contain a 2-inch by 2-inch plastic bag with a spoonful of a highly effective non-perishable bait. John explains exactly what that bait is and I think you’ll be surprised by it. Best part is that it’s easy to find and yet it’ll generate thousands and thousands of calories for you and your family.
  • Techniques to properly “channel” an animal into your snare. Advanced yet easy to learn tricks that dramatically increase your odds of success.
  • How to recognize animal trails and the all-important “pinch point” locations to place your traps. Knowing this one skill will instantly skyrocket your chances of catching an animal quickly.
  • Why a “dead-set” snare trap is often your smartest choice on an animal trail. John explains why and shows you a number of tricks to guide the critter’s head straight into your snare.
  • You’ll also learn one simple trick that prevents deer from trampling over your snares -- a common problem when targeting raccoon sized animals directly on a trail.
  • Also, why using simple wire is NOT a good idea for long term survival. It’s a solution in an emergency, but you’re much better off with a durable professionally manufactured snare like the TRS Survival Snare.
  • And a lot, lot more.

John also covers “Spring Snares” – which are powered by a branch – along with some very nifty trigger systems. Again, none of what he teaches requires a lot of tools or engineering or anything like that.

All of it’s very simple, easy and fast. So if you’re in a survival situation you won’t be burning up valuable time or exposing yourself to discovery for longer than need be.

Just set these traps and get back to your camp.

In this section, you’ll learning valuable tricks like:

  • How to create a Trail Set Snare with a platform trigger. This should be one of your first snares you build in a crisis situation because it is so versatile and effective at catching dinner. Your snare loop doesn’t have to be size specific, so you can target any size animal from a squirrel to a deer with the same camouflaged trap-door trigger. Requires NO bait and can be set up very quickly. So it’s the best of all worlds. If you needed to learn just one snare system, this would be it.
  • Also, a simple “Spring Snare Trap” to catch birds. Uses a flexible branch for the spring, and then a Y branch and a toggle branch for the triangle hair trigger. Easy to make and very effective if you want bird on the menu.
  • Also, since many birds are wary and clever, John shows you a sweet “triangle trigger” – specifically designed for a spring trap. It’s extremely easy to make, and is much more effective than a single branch trigger. Outsmarts a bird’s natural ability to steal bait without getting caught. Invites the bird to dinner... then puts him on the menu.
  • John also demonstrates how to make a “dead weight platform snare”. Uses the weight of a hanging log for its power source and a hair trigger “trap door” platform made of branches to set off the snare. It can be constructed very quickly from your TRS Survival Snare and materials lying around the woods and even scaled up for large animals too. You gotta see this one.
  • You’ll also discover why the “typical” spring branch snare which most so-called experts are teaching – is a silly waste of time since it won’t get the job done. John shows you several more reliable methods – and it means increasing your odds of getting meat on your table.
  • You’ll also learn the trick to determining if your spring branch is strong enough and how to properly configure a simple trigger toggle that can hold enormous tension. Clever, but not complicated and ensures an effortless and flawless firing of the trap.
  • Tricks to using both scent and various visual cues as a crafty way to attract animals into your snare. John even shows you one visual that you can find just about anywhere in the woods to attract prey from over 100 yards. This is how you’ll lure them in from a long ways and put the odds greatly in your favor.
  • You’ll also learn a shrewd way to lure animals deep into a confined pocket of brambles to practically guarantee he will trigger your snare. It’s called a Cubby Set Snare and it’s quick and effective for snaring curious raccoons, possums and large rabbits – which can be excellent sources of life-saving nutrition during tough times.
  • Also a tricky way to get an animal to step directly on the platform trap-door trigger. Takes advantage of an animal’s natural instinct to step over and around sticks and brush. This method practically forces him to step exactly where you want.
  • And more. A lot lot more.

Because we go deeper than just simple snares. You’ll also learn about Kill Traps and some very nasty Booby Traps. This takes a little more skill because you’ll have to hand carve some of the components yourself from tree branches.

But these traps can be used over and over again and are proven to be very effective.

You’ll learn things like:

  • How to create a very cool large-game kill trap. This is for survival situations only -- intended for large hogs, goat, deer, and other sizable game, so it’s perfect for securing a lot of meat at once. But it’s also very capable of killing a person, so you got to be careful. Can be made quickly with almost no tools, and yet is extremely deadly, so you must treat it with the respect it deserves.
  • How to construct a simple Peg-And-Pole trip-wire trigger. Very simple. When your target’s foot catches the wire it instantly sets off a devastating kill trap. Again, this is for extreme survival situations only because it can also easily kill a person straying through the area.
  • You’ll also learn how to make a standard Kleptsy Kill Trap. Starts with just four notched sticks, a length of para-cord and a sharpened spike. Deadly little trap that whips the spike deep into your prey. John even shows you a toggle switch trigger that’s much more effective that the standard split branch trigger. Gotta see this one.
  • Also how to create the wicked “kill spike” in under a minute – a quick and easy method to constructing the business end of your kill trap. This trick will save you a lot of screwing around so you can start harvesting your dinner as quickly as possible.
  • You’ll also learn a broken-stick baiting trick that pinches the bait so that the animal will have to work to get it – dramatically increasing the chances he’ll trigger the kill trap.
  • Also, how to position a log for greater centrifugal force – enough to drive a spike straight through a large animal. Again, we’re talking about traps that can dispatch a large animal – which means it could also easily kill a person. So use care!

And there’s much much more. Really, I could go on for hours, but I won’t, because you can see it all for yourself.

The instruction is detailed and thorough. Use it to start getting familiar with your TRS snare. It won’t take long.

But of course you should be aware of the laws in your area. Snaring animals is illegal in some places. And where it is legal you probably need a permit.

But that’s not really the point here, is it?

It’s not about making trapping your new favorite hobby. No. This is about providing you with a simple, easy to learn and highly effective survival solution in case things ever go terribly wrong.

It’s weird how something as simple as a snare...

Can Mean The Difference Between
Living And Starving To Death.

But it can.

I hope to God that things never collapse to the point where you need this material.

But you can’t afford to bury your head either.

When and if that dreadful day comes, when the power goes down, the food runs out, and mobs are out killing each other over the last crusts of bread...

You Will Be Damn Glad
You Learned This Skill.

You’ll be one of the few guys with an actual plan, capable of providing for yourself and your loved ones using an ancient skill that’s been all but forgotten.

That’s your job as a man.

Others – especially women – will be looking for someone to depend during a crisis. And this skill is something you’ll never forget.

Learn it once and you’ll have it. So simple, easy, and effective that it’ll always be there when you need it – just in case.

Here’s how you can get all this right now.

Just hit the “Yes, Send Me My Free Booby Traps” button.

You won't get a better deal than free.

The snare is free, but you’ll need to pay for the shipping and handling. Just $7.95.

Hit the button now and use a credit card.

There’s nothing to worry about. You’re not joining a club or anything like that. You will never be charged for something you didn’t order. This is a shipping and handling fee only.

But you don’t risk a penny, because if you’re not happy for any reason, if you aren’t 100% thrilled that this is one of the most valuable items in your survival kit, then just call or email my office and I will promptly refund your shipping and handling charge – and you can still KEEP the TRS Survival Snare.

That means you are taking NO risk at all. It’s all on my shoulders, where it should be. But as special member of this list, I trust you completely.

But hold on...

There's More!

For anyone smart enough to jump on this now, I will also include a very handy guide you’ll want to keep with your snare.

The “Quik Start Snare Guide” will prove to be very useful.

One side of this guide has the step-by-step instruction on the basics to setting up your snare, the other side has drawings of the track marks of eight very common critters you’ll want to target in a survival situation.

This guide also spells out each animal’s snare loop diameter and loop height.

It’s a very handy reference guide for the field, and it means you don’t have to remember anything. Just keep this tucked away in your survival bag and you’ll be completely ready.

We’ve even gone through the trouble of printing this reference guide...

On Water Proof Paper!

Because there’s nothing more disheartening than losing lifesaving information just because it gets wet.

And in the field, believe me, thing are gonna get wet. But liquids runs off this like water off a duck’s back.

We wanted to be sure this would be around for you when you need it most -- even if it gets wet.

Okay... you gotta admit, this deal is more than generous.

But you must hurry. I’m only doing this free offer as a kind of market test to see if guys like you are even interested in snaring and booby traps.

So I’ve...

Limited The Number Of Free Packages
To Just 500!

And 65 of those packages are already claimed by word of mouth alone and I expect the remaining packages to be snapped up very quickly.

So if you’re interested, even just curious, you should do this right now, while it’s still available.

This Jimbo signing off. But before I go. Here’s a quick recap.

Click on the Yes button now and I will rush you:

You won't get a better deal than free.
  1. Your TRS Survival Snare. Tough as nails and capable of being used over and over again.
  2. That specially annealed flexible steel support wire. This is how you’ll precisely position your snare to the exact diameter and height you need.
  3. Your “Snaring and Booby Traps” DVD Package. The links to this astonishing online video will be rushed out to your along with your free TRS Survival Snare.
  4. The “Quik Start Snare Guide” – a handy waterproof reference to make sure you have all the info you need when you need it.

You’re getting all this for FREE.

All I ask is that you pay the $7.95 shipping and handling so I can get this to your door.

But even that shipping and handling charge is covered by a generous money-back guarantee.

If you don’t like it, for any reason, even NO reason, then just call or email my office and I will return your shipping and handling fee – but you can still KEEP the snare, the special support wire, the video, and the waterproof reference guide as my gifts to you for taking the time to check this out.

So click on the yes button now, while you can. There’s a limit of 500 packages. After that, it’s gone forever.

You won’t get a better deal than free.

You won't get a better deal than free.