Below you'll find the explained answers to the "Combat Readiness" Quiz
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Question 1: Who is best equipped to handle a streetfight?
a. A man who has earned his black belt.
b. An "Average Joe" off the street.
c. Both A and B are about the same.
d. Women and children.
Answer: "C", the "Average Joe" has about the same chance of winning a street fight as a black belt.
It's true!
I'm not trying to "knock" the martial arts. They all have something valuable to offer. We owe them a debt of gratitude for getting us where we are today, and they're better than nothing.
BUT...unfortunately, many of the arts being widely taught today are ancient arts, developed for another time and place in history, for specific conditions that simply don't exist today.
The flying roundhouse kick, for example, was developed to knock a man off his horse. If you're working as a ranch hand, that might come in handy.
Breaking pine boards was originally intended to train warriors how to shatter an opponent's protective wooden chest plate. Hmmm. Can't think of many street thugs today wearing that.
Overall, statistics show that your average "store front" black belt does not have a much better chance at winning a street fight than any other average guy.
Shocked? Well don't be. Most martial arts concentrate on discipline and complicated "fine motor" techniques that go straight out the window when "crunch time" hits.
And about "Women and Children". A lot of folks might say it's "old fashioned", but we guys know deep-down that when trouble strikes, it's up to the MAN to step-up and protect women and children.
Problem is, most modern men don't have a clue on how to fight and win. And dialing "911" isn't a strategy for success.
Frankly, as a guy, you must be better prepared than that. Because with all due respect, cops show up only AFTER the crime has been committed.
Question 2: What's the duration of the average street fight?
a. About 20 minutes.
b. 8 minutes.
c. A little less than 2 minutes.
d. No more than 4 to 7 seconds.
Answer: "D", no more than 7 seconds.
Mountains of FBI crime stats and white papers show that the average fight will last about 4 to 7 seconds. That's less time than it just took you to read this paragraph.
It's understandable why most people get this wrong. We watch professional fights that can go on for 10 rounds or more. But keep in mind that with boxing and MMA there are very strict rules. The list of moves that are banned in "sport fighting" are essentially the SAME moves that are used on the street to win fights
Another reason people get this wrong is Hollywood. Notably those movies with the zany "endless fist-fight".
It starts in the saloon... smashes through the window... then smacks and socks and tumbles its way down the street.
Yes, one big-gulp and a large popcorn later they're still going at it... eventually ending with one grand finale punch into the horse watering trough.
But the reality is a lot different.
Once you're clear about just how little time you have, (again, that's just 4 to 7 seconds)... and that any fight can result in serious injury or death... you can learn a handful of techniques to ensure that things end on YOUR terms.
Question 3: Most fights go to the ground. True of False?
a. True
b. False
c. It's hard to say.
Answer: False. Most fights end in 4-7 seconds... with the winner on his feet.
It's a common misconception that street fights and personal combat situations end up on the ground. But they don't.
Well, okay, someone ends up on the ground alright, and it's the loser - with the winner (or winners) standing over him stomping on his head.
So why is this belief so common? Well, it comes from the study of police reports. You see, most cops who struggle with an adversary end up on the ground.
Now hold on – doesn't that contradict what I just said? No, it doesn't. Because the goal of law enforcement is to "contain, control, comply" (also known as the 3 C's) – which, by the way, requires more skill than simply winning a street fight.
In other words a cop can't simply eye jab, ear slap, then move in for a knock-out head butt because a dangerous criminal is resisting. No, an officer's goal is NOT to end a fight in 3 seconds, but instead to use "reasonable and proportionate escalation of force" to control and contain his subject.
This is different than what happens in a real world street fight and it's why the stats on "going to the ground" have been skewed.
Cops' rules of engagement are different – so, of the 85 DVD titles I've produced, about 15 of them are designed to help law enforcement and average guys address the more complex and highly effective "contain, control, and comply" techniques.
Use these techniques on your drunken brother-in-law when you want him out of your house but don't want to hurt him too bad. When he sobers up he'll thank you for not landing him in the hospital.
Question 4: What's the most important thing to look at during a confrontation?
a. Concentrate on his hips to tell you which direction his body will move.
b. His eyes. Stare him down to show that you are not intimidated.
c. Keep focused on his hands, he will most likely punch you.
d. Use your time looking for open targets.
Answer: "D", look for open targets.
One of the biggest misconceptions about fighting is that it's all about technique. But actually it's all about hitting the right target.
A poorly thrown punch that lands on target is much more effective than a perfectly executed round house kick that misses or is blocked.
A major key to fighting and winning is directing your thoughts to an "external focus" of potential targets or "Target Awareness".
Seeking out and gathering "target acquisition" prevents freezing-up, (also known as the "deer in the headlights" syndrome), while forcing you to focus on winning the fight.
The idea is to continually look for open target without getting "locked" onto one. It's a common rookie mistake to focus on just one target and then "wait" for it to open up - or even strike at it when it's not open.
This is the wrong way.
Instead, keep your target acquisition in a state of constant flux, (because that is what's happening in real life), keeping in mind the highest value targets - the side of the neck, throat, eyes, inside thigh, outside thigh, groin, and the angle of the chin.
Here's a few useful tips for you.
- Your opponent, (even if he's NEVER been in a fight), will likely be on guard for a punch to the face. So it's wise to do something else. Something he's not expecting.
- Do not pay attention to the yelling and verbal threats. It's easy to get caught up with insults and verbal abuse. Ignore this and focus on external targets.
- Do not look into his eyes. Staring him down triggers all kinds of internal mumbling insider your head that only distracts you from your target awareness. It may look tough, but it's a bad idea in a street fight.
A good street fighter wants you to "buy into" distractions like mad-dog staring... insults... yelling... the whole works. He does this because the distractions give him a distinct advantage.
Again, by spending your valuable time seeking open targets, you will avoid panic and getting drawn into distractions.
Question 5: How many fight moves should you know?
a. You should learn only 2 or 3 moves to avoid confusion.
b. The more moves you understand the better.
c. A roundhouse kick means instant knockout. It's really the only move you need.
d. A handful of simple boxing skills since a good boxer wins almost every time.
Answer: "B", the more moves the better.
Many guys believe that knowing a few boxing moves or one "end it all" move is all you'll need. It IS true that knowing one or two moves is better than nothing...
...but it is NOT true that knowing less is better than knowing more.
You're far better off knowing more than less, as it gives you the flexibility of using multiple methods to attack specific targets.
Seeking out and gathering "target acquisition" prevents freezing-up, (also known as the "deer in the headlights" syndrome), while forcing you to focus on winning the fight.
A completely inexperienced fighter will typically have 1 or 2 moves. They are:
- Right hand "haymaker"
- Left hand "haymaker"
C'mon... you can do better than that.
In fact, I've got 85 titles with hundreds and hundreds of moves and sneaky "dirty trick" attacks. Your adversary won't know what hit him.
Because, after countless interviews with some of the most dangerous fighters on the planet, I discovered that ALL these fighters were very quick to see open targets, (or to make them open), then utilize any one of an arsenal of techniques to attack those open targets.
Having more fighting tools simply allows a fighter to more quickly exploit "open" targets.
So it comes down to this.
You must have more than 1 or 2 techniques. You want at least a few dozen ways to attack your adversary's targets.
You need to have at least a handful of techniques for each of the "four ranges" of fighting, including:
- Long Range - pick up on 3 good long kicks.
- Medium range - choose 3 good punches and short kicks. These simple techniques can (and often do) end the fight in a couple of seconds.
- Close Range - This is where you'll be able to end it. There are dozens of vicious and devastating techniques I can show you in this range.
- Grappling - Yes, I said that research shows that most fights don't go to the ground. But that's because most street fight don't last for over 7 seconds. About 12 seconds into the fight, going to the ground is a virtual certainty. So you need to have some aces up your sleeve. FightFast has many excellent ground fighting DVDs...
If you're interested in a FREE DVD that shows you 15 "bread and butter" moves to fighting and winning – you can get it sent to you today right HERE!
Question 6: What is the most important factor for winning a fight?
a. Size. The bigger, stronger guy usually wins.
b. Skill level. A skilled black belt can defeat just about anyone.
c. First strike. Whoever hits first will most likely win.
d. Attitude. "Crazy" always beats "Karate".
Answer: "C", whoever hits first will probably win.
This is a statistical fact.
Even if you're up against someone who's bigger, or more skilled or more crazy – if you can get the first shot in, and then keep a continual barrage of well-targeted strikes without letting up, you will most likely win the fight.
Sound unfair? Well remember that ANY fight is a fight for your life.
Following any kind of rules like... don't hit a guy with glasses... no hair pulling... no biting... no eye gouging... don't hit first... are actually silly and could get you seriously hurt or killed in a real fight.
Let me be clear... in a fight you want an unfair advantage. You never want to purposely give away anything that may give your adversary the edge.
Research proves that hitting first means you've got a damn good chance to win the fight. You've initiated surprise, dismay, got the guy back on his heels, and have an excellent opportunity to keep up the pressure until you can end the threat. Everything you want.
Let's forget fist-fighting for a second and think about it as a gun fight. Would you allow an armed opponent the first shot? I sure hope not.
Same goes with hand-to-hand combat. Do NOT freely give away your main advantage because of some misguided idea of "fairness".
Question 7: Street fights are usually won in which "fighting range"?
a. Kicking Range.
b. Punching Range.
c. Elbow/Knee Range.
d. On the ground.
Answer: "C", experienced fighters usually end the fight in the Elbow/Knee Range.
This is also known as the "Trapping Range", and represents a distance of about a foot to a few inches from your opponent.
Essentially you're inside his Punching Range.
The Trapping Range is the place you can inflict some serious damage very quickly with specialized knees shots, wicked elbow strikes, or even a fight-ending headbutts.
These are all blows that can instantly knock out your opponent or even kill him.
Think about the head butt for example. When delivered properly, it's about the equivalent of throwing a bowling ball as hard as you can into someone's face. The results are instant and devastating.
The trick of course is to getting into the trapping range without getting kicked or punched. Something called "transitioning" into the trapping range.
There are some very specific techniques – like a front kick, or an quick ear slap or an eye jab (or many others) – that allow you to pass straight through your opponent's kicking and punching ranges and into the position where you can end it very quickly on your terms.
Question 8: Which of the following are considered dishonorable, and should never be used?
a. Biting
b. Gouging the Eyes
c. Hair Pulling
d. It's okay to use these, but only if you are outnumbered.
e. There is no such thing as a dishonorable move in a street fight.
Answer: "D", there is no such thing as a dishonorable move in a street fight.
We've talked about this a little already, but it's important.
In a real street fight, there are NO rules. Remember, someone has attacked you with the intent to do serious bodily harm to you or your loved ones.
Many think that a trained boxer, a cage fighter, a Mixed Martial Artist, or kickboxer is the same as being a trained street fighter.
Not true.
Let me ask... who do YOU think would win a spontaneous street fight - a champion MMA fighter or some ex-con street-brawler raised in the toughest area of east LA?
I'd put my money on the ex-con street-brawler. Because as brutal as it may appear, an MMA fight really IS different than a street fight.
First, a pay-per-view "cage" fight is about making money for the promoters. They can't allow every fight to be over within 4 to 7 seconds. They'd lose their audience - and advertisers - fast.
So, in an MMA fight there's no quick "fight ending" moves allowed - which is what a street fight is ALL about.
Also, promoters have got to take some effort to protect the fighters. They wouldn't be "sanctioned" for long with a continuous stream of dead bodies being hauled out of the ring.
So, here's 16 moves that are outlawed in most sanctioned MMA fights - but used in most street fights:
- Eye gouging
- Groin strikes (the ever popular "sack-attack")
- Throat strikes (which can easily be lethal)
- Grabbing the trachea
- Biting (alright... Tyson DID try this once)
- Clawing, twisting, or pinching the flesh
- Stomping, kneeing or kicking a grounded opponent
- Strikes to spine or back of head (also easily lethal)
- Striking downward, using the point of the elbow
- Head butt (think of a "bowling ball in the face")
- Hair pulling
- Kicking the kidney with the heel
- Grabbing the clavicle
- Small joint manipulations (such as fingers)
- Weapons and improvised weapons
- Multiple attackers (except in WWF)
What wins a "match-fight" is strength, size, speed, endurance, and skill.
In personal combat, (i.e. "street fighting"), it's the use of deception, distraction, disruption and destruction (the four Ds) that wins.
On the street, anything goes, and you've got to be resourceful to survive.
Now granted, some skinny con would have little chance at beating a Golden Gloves boxer in the ring under existing boxing rules. But a sport fighter who doesn't understand the big "Four Ds" is at a serious disadvantage in any street fight.
This is why size, strength, and endurance are not huge factors in a street fight.
I hope you learned a little about how to fight and win.
If you'd like to know more, there's a FREE DVD I'd like to send you right away.
It's 15 ultra-filthy "no nonsense" fight moves, taught to you by over a dozen of the world's most feared and dangerous men, that I want you to have...
Click HERE to Get Your FREE Brutal Fight Enders!
I will send it to you today – along with TWO other bonuses – for a very reasonable $7.95 shipping and handling fee. That's it. No reoccurring fees or any other charges of any kind.
These nasty techniques have been specifically chosen (from thousands) because they're:
- Simple. So easy in fact that ANYONE, no matter what your size, strength or skill level, (even if you've never been in a fight before in your life), can use them almost instantly.
- Easy to learn. These moves require NO special knowledge or skills. Watch them just ONCE... practice them if you want, (it's not necessary)... then use it tomorrow if need be.
- Devastatingly effective. It's all over in 4 to 7 seconds. Lights out... fight over... with YOU on top. The tactics and techniques you'll discover have all been PROVEN in REAL combat - with blood on the line – to gain an instant advantage... inflict nightmarish pain... and put an opponent away in seconds.
But you must hurry. There are some strict limitation on the number of free packages I will ship.
This won't be around forever, so even if you're only curious, you should check this out right away.
For a safer life...
Bob Pierce
Prez, Direct
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