It's a shocking story of REAL Life-and-Death fighting ...

Ambushed... Outnumbered...
and Out Of Ammo...
Here's The Amazing Story Of
How A Simple And Devastating
Hand-To-Hand Fight System
Saved The Asses Of
U.S. Marines In Iraq.

Screw All The Hollywood Bullshit...
Here's An Astonishing TRUE Story About
How A "Quick-Learn" Filthy Fight System...
Was PROVEN In Mortal Combat!

This SAME System Now Available To YOU...
 For FREE If You Want!


To: Bob Pierce's TRS "Hotlist" Member

Dear Friend:

I recently just had the greatest honor of my life.

The Marine Corps First Fleet Anti-Terrorism team in Iraq flew the American Flag over the U.S. Embassy in MY name.

See that photo to the right? That's the flag and plaque they presented me.

I can't go into all the classified stuff, but I can tell you that when the shit hit the fan in Bagdad...

...and ammo ran low...

...the outnumbered Marines were forced to survive using nothing more than a simple hand-to-hand system to survive against bloodthirsty enemy... determined to KILL them.

What's this got to do with you? A lot, because I now want YOU to have this SAME nasty hand-to-hand system...

If You Want!

Forgive the salty language. But this needs to be said.

The harsh reality is that MOST average civilians don't know shit about defending themselves against dangerous people hell-bent on KILLING them or their loved ones.

And right now there are dangerous goons roaming our streets... perhaps even your neighborhood... willing to end your life without a second thought.

Drug-freaks who'd gladly bash in your skull for another hit of meth... gangbangers looking to slice your throat to gain some "instant respect" points... twisted psychopaths on early prison release who'd rape and kill, then sit down to a nice hot meal.

What's worse... instructors who teach "self-defense" don't know shit about lethal fighting either. Many have never been in a life-and-death fight in their lives...

...or are teaching ridiculous moves that will likely get you KILLED in a real balls-out street fight.

Well, guess what?

You're about to get FOUR HOURS of the most intense, most in-depth, and most practical...

Learn It Tonight... Use It Tomorrow
Filthy-Fight Secrets!

It’s hand-to-hand stuff PROVEN in mortal combat -- against a tenacious opponent intent on killing you.

Here's what's happening. My name is Tom Cruse. Bob Pierce said it'd be okay for me to write you.

EVERYTHING I know about REAL hand-to-hand combat (including what I taught those U.S. Marines) is because of ONE man. My friend and mentor, Paul Vunak.

Since knowing Paul, my life has played out like an action-adventure movie.

No kidding. I’ve experienced stuff that'd make Arnold's hair curl.

Paul and I have been in hundreds of altercations and dozens of bloody life-and-death brawls.

Some 25 years back -- when we were young, dumb, and full of... well... alcohol -- Paul and I...

Actually Went LOOKING
For Fights!

We'd hang out in dangerous seedy bars and whistle at the girls... or wave around money we'd just won in a pool game.

Cocky stuff that we knew would start trouble.

Yeah... we were jerks back then. But there was simply no better way to "test" Paul's fight theories. To find out what worked and what didn't.

Yep, a real live street fight is about the only way to double and triple-check your work.

And MAN did we get good.

One time -- while shooting pool in a Virginia Beach Pub in 1987 -- Paul single handedly the beat the crap outta 5 bigger, stronger thugs decked out in their leathers and colors.

It was like watching Bruce Lee movie from the front row. Not ONE of them was left standing, (except for Paul).

Another time Paul and 3 Navy SEALS took on a crowd of...

17 Pissed-Off Bikers!

Tore the place up... floor to ceiling.

Jeez... those were some crazy times.

And soon people in the industry began to recognize Paul Vunak as not only a combat genius, but also as the one expert with the balls to put his own ass on the line to test everything in real life... where it counts..

Which is why virtually every big-name self-defense magazine in the industry has written feature articles about Paul.

Inside Karate and Black Belt Magazine put him on the cover at least THREE times (that's me and Paul on the cover of "Inside Kung Fu" on the right), and eventually listed him as one of the "20 Toughest Fighters On The Planet".

Men's Journal said Paul’s teachings are:

"...The best for non-martial artists who want to handle real-life self-defense situations like black belts."

Okay... so it wasn't long before three big dudes in suits and dark sunglasses showed up at Paul's house -- and offered him a 4-year contract to train the Navy SEALS (Paul at first thought they were there to haul him off to federal prison or something).

And again... I was right there with Paul... getting dropped from helicopters into live-fire combat zones to train Navy SEALS on the "job site".

Let me be clear...

This Is NOT Some Fantasy
Hollywood Bullshit!

Training guys in the field who are headed straight into hardcore combat -- against an enemy hell-bent on killing you -- is about as intense as I EVER want life to get.

Again... it’s still all highly classified stuff. But Paul's got letter of thanks from the commander of the Navy himself (it's there on the right)... and of course I've got my treasured plaque from the U.S. Marines.

Look... I could go on and on about Paul Vunak...

...How he was trained by Dan Inosanto who trained with the great Bruce Lee himself...

...How 17 other government agencies sought Paul out to train their operatives too (including the FBI, DEA, Army Rangers, NSA and Spec Ops SWAT teams)...

...The 300 seminars Paul's taught...

...Over 10,000 students...

And on and on... and on!

Paul Vunak's credentials and skills are nothing short of breathtaking.

I couldn't possibly cover everything in this letter. It'd take me another two hundred pages. I'm not kidding.

(If you still don't believe me then read some of the testimonials at the bottom of this page. These are warriors who KNOW what the hell they're talking about.)

It should be clear: Paul Vunak is without a doubt one of the...

Most Accomplished, Respected,
And Sought-After Fight Instructors
On The Planet!

So if you're interested in learning his SAME PROVEN fight skills that have worked in LETHAL hand-to-hand combat, then listen up.

"The Enigma" Self Preservation package is Paul's latest cutting edge material -- a brand new intensive "quick learn" military training course that FEW civilians have ever been lucky enough to lay eyes on.

Here's just a taste of what you're about to discover:

  • The most brutal unarmed move you can pull in a fight. It's called the "Leaping Face Ripper" and it's the equivalent of setting off a stick of dynamite in his face. You'll have some explaining to do if you use this one, but when you're life is in danger, this one move is as good as carrying around a loaded .45!
  • A quick and nasty way to send him reeling into “clinical shock". Believe me, his only thought will be to panic, break free of you, and run for his life!
  • The little-known but extremely effective “Nipple Tear” that lets him know you're 100% serious about hurting him, (it’s actually a lot worse than it sounds).
  • The 4 easiest and most devastating targets to strike, (which is why Paul focuses on teaching these to women and kids). Combined with a handful of completely “natural” movements (that don’t require size, strength, or any “thinking”) means instant results!
  • A simple and devastating move (careful... this will maim him for life) developed specifically for the worst situations you ever find yourself in. It gives you the INSTANT advantage you need...

No Matter How Big
Or Well-Trained Your Opponent May Be!

  • How to inflict sheer debilitating PAIN capable of dropping a hardened goon to his knees. He'll CRY LIKE A BABY the moment you "go to work" on him!
  • How a simple combination of THREE hardcore fighting systems can almost instantly transform you into an extremely dangerous force, (with almost NO practice). Very cool tricks that Paul's taught to Navy SEALS and agencies all over the world.
  • A highly-specialized Filipino fighting art that uses the TWO most "barbaric" weapons on your body. These weapons are SO effective, they can overcome even the most impossible odds you'll ever face in real life.
  • A VERY cool (and so easy) “Bug-out" move that uses just three simple steps to quickly wrap him up like a burrito while inflicting serious damage to his face and neck. This is sheer grisly gore... very bloody and gnarly, (which means he’ll never forget messing with you).
  • The two REAL reasons why many black-belts will actually LOSE a fight,(and it’s not what you’d think). Paul explains how to quickly bypass these common mistakes...

So That You're Never... EVER...
Fighting "Fair"!

The wealth of information you're getting is astonishing. But what's really amazing is that it's all designed to be...

Learned In Hours...
Then Used Immediately!

If need be.

Or it can all be simply recalled in a flash, even years from now, the instant trouble begins.

That's why it's so valuable to specialized military forces who don't have TIME to screw around with something that's difficult to learn and hard to remember.

But there's a LOT more...

  • The SIX magic tips that quickly allows you to DEFEAT a group of bloodthirsty multiple attackers in the blink of an eye.
  • A very nifty “Porcupine Shield” that uses elbows and knees to create an impenetrable "Wall of Destruction" around yourself. The best part is that there’s no complex timing, silly stances, or “blocking” moves (which will only get you hurt). It's an airtight defense that...

Instantly Turns The Tables
And Puts YOU On The Offense!

  • How MMA Jujitsu fighters pass the guard -- and why that WON'T work on the street. Paul demonstrates a simple "street version" of passing the guard that combines the most vicious elements of Kina Mutai, Jujitsu, and Jeet Kune Do into one fluid (and very wicked) move. You won't see this in any MMA fight.
  • The ONE move that'll counter ANY high kick, (no matter how experienced he is). It’s a simple move that will have anyone using fancy martial arts puzzled and frustrated -- while you instantly set him up for a crushing finish.
  • The most common red flags that the fight’s about to begin and exactly what you MUST do (immediately) to convince your opponent that screwing with you is a BIG mistake, (this will often END the fight right there, without a scratch).
  • A simple training method that will quickly increase your hand speed, coordination and reaction time. Your opponent will look like he's fighting in slow motion (while YOU are a blur of activity).

And so much more.

There's simply no way I can cover it all here. The entire package is...

An Incredible 4 hours
Of Intensive Instruction!

Paul even covers his most LETHAL moves and improvised "street weapons". Critical information like:

  • A secret SEAL Team trick to making a throat strike truly deadly (because most big dudes can take a regular shot to the throat and survive just fine). Paul demonstrates how to do this properly... so that nobody can survive it. Very simple... very deadly.
  • A nasty "Head-Twist Knee" combo that means instant knockout and swelling of his brain. You've never seen this before because it's a move developed strictly for military guys. You can forget the hospital because...

He Just Won't Be Recovering
From This Move!

  • Every "street" weapon that is ever available in a fight, and the only correct way to use them to end the brawl immediately!
  • Why learning to block a weapon is a silly waste of your time and energy... even though most martial artists spend up to half their time practicing this nonsense! (There are incredibly better and more effective ways to conduct yourself against a blow... once you know the secrets!)

And so much more.

It's perfect if you're interested in a system that's...

Simple, FAST and Deadly!

Okay... Paul and I have both cleaned up our acts YEARS ago.

No more drinking, no more bar room brawling, none of that nonsense. I'm now training on a spiritual level and Paul's currently devoted much of his life to helping disabled kids through his "Adapt To Life" program.

But the system that Paul built and perfected through years of brutal violence...

Is Now At Its Zenith!

If it works like crazy for U.S. Special Forces headed into Iraq, it'll certainly work for you too.

Here's how you can get your hands on this right now:

Click on the "Add To Cart" button below.

Use your credit card. Bob Pierce's company is handling all the orders and credit card processing. Paul and many other top fighters have been working with Bob Pierce and TRS for almost 20 years now.

He's a trusted name throughout the industry.

The price for this "Engima" Self Preservation package is just $97 -- an AMAZING price considering that the regular price is $200.00.

So you're getting...

An Immediate Savings Of $103...
Right Off The Top!

This deal is ONLY available to Bob's "Hotlist".

But you don’t risk a dime of the $97, because TRS is backing everything up with an iron-clad ONE YEAR guarantee.

That gives you plenty of time. Watch it... learn it at your pace. If you decide over the next 12 months that you don't like it, you don't have to keep it. Simple as that.

That means you'll be able to see all these secrets...

Absolutely FREE
If You Want!

Of course, you can order by telephone too. The TRS office number is 1-800-899-8153. Tell the operator you want "Paul Vunak's New Enigma Self Preservation package". (Ask for "Department ENG-300").

Again... have your credit ready. They'll take it all from there.

If you'd rather order by check or money order (payable to TRS), send your $104 (that's $97 plus $7 shipping and handling), to: TRS, Dept. ENG-300, 606 E. Acequia Ave., Visalia, CA 93292.

No matter how you order, your package will be rushed out to you immediately. Of course the fastest and easiest way is to simply order online right now:

But hold on... there's something MORE for you.

It’s another DVD called “Deadly Arts” Self Perfection. This is super-advanced level stuff that digs deep into the most effective and brutal of the martial arts as chosen by Bruce Lee, Dan Inosanto, and Paul Vunak.

You'll discover:

  • Inside and outside Gunting (Parrying moves) that add lightning speed to all your movements.
  • How to control your opponent's body with very little effort using just TWO focused "shoves" from the South China art of Tai-Chi...
  • The Savate method, (that's French), of foot fighting. Very effective way of "flicking" the leg. Looks innocent enough, but delivers a massive blows...
  • Two techniques from the Filipino art of Dumog that will dramatically move your opponent with only slight pressure.
  • How to "box" with your elbows (very wicked) utilizing the art of Filipino Panantukan...
  • Front and rear elbow destructions that allow you to be untouchable...
  • How to master the Jeet Tek low kick, (one of Bruce Lee's favorite moves)...
  • A nifty shuffle kick that takes advantage of a target MOST fighters leave wide open...
  • The 7 Thailand Locking maneuvers (used for when you don't want to kill)... and a lot, lot more

Like the six wildly effective Chinese Wing Chun moves... nasty foot sweeps (for instant take downs)... very brutal Kali fight tactics... and more.

Granted, the material on this bonus DVD isn't as quick to learn as the "Enigma" Self Preservation... but it's super advanced. If you're willing to spend just a little time training it, you'll get "world-class" good.

It's worth $97 all on its own. But as part of this deal you'll receive this DVD package...


Yours to keep, even if you return the rest of the package for a full refund.

This is certainly a killer deal, but...

There's A "Catch".

Bob and Paul agreed to make up just 188 of these packages. That's not a lot to go around.

As a "hotlist" member, TRS will hold yours for 7 days. After that, they’ll assume that you’re not interested and email the hotlist guys below you.

I doubt it’ll ever get that far. My gut tells me these 188 packages will be gone in 48 hours.

So jump on this while you can.


       Tom Cruse

Tom Cruse

P.S. Okay... here’s a recap of everything you’ll get when you order right now.

  • The "Enigma" Self Preservation DVD package. This is the quick, easy and deadly fight stuff that Paul and I have been teaching to the military and U.S. Government.
  • A whopping $103 OFF the price that everyone else is paying, (for TRS "hotlist" members only)...
  • A ONE YEAR guarantee. This makes it all RISK FREE in case you change your mind or aren't happy for ANY reason...
  • The “Deadly Arts” FREE bonus DVD package, yours to KEEP even if you return everything else for a fast refund.

This a VERY good offer my friend, but Paul wants you 100% clear about something.

You MUST be careful when training with a partner. Rookies especially. If you're not careful...

You CAN Kill Your
Training Partner!

This isn't a joke.

Use the same care as if you were training with a loaded gun. Total respect. Please... no screwing around.

There are only 188 “hotlist” packages to go around. You’ve got 7 days to order before your package and your free stuff is passed to the hotlist guy below you.

So do this now. There’s NO RISK and the bonus material is yours to keep, FREE!

P.P.S. Oh... and here's what guys who KNOW are saying about Paul Vunak and his amazing system.

"I have personally trained with Paul Vunak... I have found his techniques to be among the best in the world. Due to the ever increasing need of highly trained Marines deployed throughout the world as part of the Global War on Terrorism... Mr. Vunak's system has complemented the training I have given to my Marines. I highly recommend Mr. Paul Vunak to anyone who has the desire to elevate their personal safety and the safety of their loved ones."
- Sergeant Luna, D.A.
United States Marine Corps

"Your training concepts were easy to learn and are the most practical self defense program that I have every participated in. Paul, thank you... for your knowledge and fortitude."
- Rudolph D. Smith, III
Special Agent
Washington, D.C

"We extend our gratitude for the training you provided. The skills you taught were both easy to learn and highly effective."
- Spc. Sherman Fuller
Departments of the Army and Air Force

"Outstanding training... the instruction was excellent!"
- Richard D. Downie
Colonel, U.S. Army
Department of Defense

"With the help of your invaluable martial arts skill and technical expertise, we have established the first Naval Special Warfare Group Two SEAL Unarmed Combat Program."
- BM1 Cucci
Department of the Navy
Naval Amphibious Base

"Mr. Paul Vunak... provided personal combative instruction significantly enhancing Air Force individual combat capabilities. Your instruction was chosen not only because of your years of combatives experience and familiarity with the military, but also due to your ability to teach. Thank you for your outstanding performance."
- Stephen C. Price, Jr.
MAJ, U.S. Air Force
Director of Operations

"As the senior D.T. Instructor, an S.R.T. member, and an active reserve Marine... I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you. Your teaching skills are to be commended..."
- C. Arzate
Deputy U.S. Marshal
Los Angeles, California

© TRS Direct. All-Right Reserved.
606 E. Acequia Ave. - Visalia, CA 93292 - (559) 732-5317.