Take a guaranteed FREE
TEST DRIVE of the nastiest combat secrets used
right now in lethal world-stage fighting!
Stunning Israeli Connection:
All-New Short-Cut Lethal Hand-To-Hand Fighting System
(That FREAKS OUT Even Hardcore U.S. Soldiers) Finally
Revealed By
Top Israeli Combat Veteran!"
harsh and effective, this never-before-revealed system
has battle-hardened U.S. Spec Op soldiers shaking their
heads in respect and awe... so new and exciting, this
"first peek" at "hidden"
Israeli combat secrets is sending shockwaves
through the martial arts world!
From: Bob Pierce
President, TRS
You know what the difference is between a so-so fighting
system (which can give you false confidence)... and
one that guarantees you will have the skills to obliterate
anyone who gets in your face?
The difference is...
Real, Blood-On-Your-Hands
Most martial art teachers have never been in a real
fistfight before. Many former soldiers have
never seen a battlefield. And some of the "experts"
with the biggest mouths have never
been within miles of a life-and-death situation.
Well... I have a guy here who, for several years straight,
saw combat-ready action EVERY DAY.
Yes, he faced lethal combat with the enemy. Yes,
he killed people. And yes, he had to use his
skills every second of every hour he was under
His name is Nir Maman (pronounced
"Near" ). He's a former Israeli special forces
commando and top hand-to-hand combat instructor. For
three bloody years his long-range reconnaisance unit
(the feared "Sayeret Golani" ) roamed deep
into enemy territory, fighting, capturing and "eliminating"
terrorists and insurgents. Usually, there were only
4 men in his unit. Alone, without
back-up, miles from safety -- and with less
than one-fourth the training our own Spec Op soldiers
receive -- these men faced constant, unrelenting
and vicious counter-guerilla combat.
Did you catch that? These men did
not have the luxury of long training. Israel has a limited
population, and the men who join the Special Forces
must get up to speed FASTER
than any other soldier in the world.
Why? Because...
They Face
Blood-Curdling Lethal Combat
Almost Immediately... Every Day Of Their Service!
Our own super-nasty Spec Op guys (SEALS, Delta) --
as well as other world-class soldiers like the French
Foreign Legion -- are in awe of these Israeli hard-asses.
Their training is so short and so CONDENSED that at
age 20, the Israeli Spec Op soldier is as skilled as
the average 30-year-old SEAL.
The secret: Astonishing short-cut
training methods that -- until now -- were the most
hidden fighting secrets in the world.
These guys HAD to learn fast... because they had to
USE their training within days (sometimes hours) of
learning it!
What's this mean for you? Plenty...
if you're hungry for proven, super-nasty fighting skills
that you can learn almost overnight. Nir not only used
his skills in the field... but he got so good that he
was asked to TEACH other soldiers his advanced skills.
(A huge honor only a handful of men have ever
He's not just good (and has proven it by coming out
of years of lethal combat without a scratch). He's a
friggin' honest-to-God expert... who
has perfected a short-cut teaching method that
will force-feed these skills
into you
faster than you ever believed
Best of all...
- You do not need to be in
- You do not need to have
any previous skills (Israeli soldiers come
from the civilian population, just like you)...
- You do not need to be quick,
or agile, or strong... and...
- You do not need to be "blood thirsty"
Nope. The Israeli army had to learn quick how to take
ordinary men (who have no special skills or advantages
whatsoever)... and turn them literally overnight into
super-skilled fighters who could face lethal combat
with absolute confidence
and mega-dangerous moves that would
prevail over the enemy.
Pray that you never have to meet up with the kind of
guerilla terrorists the Israelis face every day. Vicious
zealots who do not care if they live or die, as long
as they inflict damage on you. Wild-eyed and well-trained
killers who, in fact, WANT to die as they take you out.
(They think they're martyrs, with a twisted version
of Heaven waiting.)
Let me tell you -- when your opponent doesn't care
at all about his own life as he attacks you...
you better have the
skills to take him out FAST. In a split
second, before he can put any hurt on you. And... you
better make sure he STAYS down.
Here's what's up: These fighting secrets
have NEVER been revealed before to anyone outside the
Israeli Special Forces compounds. Nir has agreed to
share them because, first, he created this special system
himself. It's mostly his. (The Israeli army begged him
to stay and continue teaching, but he had other plans
after his long and distinguished service.) And second...
Nir (along with so many other front-line veterans) realizes
it is past time for Americans to learn how to fight.
In just over an hour, you are about to "quick-learn"
vicious fighting skills that will change your
life. Remember -- our own U.S. Spec Op guys
are deeply impressed with these Israeli tactics (and
that says a lot about the authenticity and quality of
this amazing new system). Even the most battle-experienced
Delta commando in our army hasn't faced a fraction
of the action the average Israeli soldier does in a
These skills are being proven, over and over again,
every hour of every day. They are the reason Israeli
soldiers are...
The Most Feared
And Respected
In The World!
Would you like to check out
these fighting secrets yourself?
You can do it...
Without Risking
A Penny!
Here's how: We rushed Nir into our
super-secret recording studios as quickly as we could,
once he agreed to reveal everything. The result are
4 of the absolute BEST instructional DVD packages I've
ever seen.
This is SHORT-CUT training
like you've never experienced. No long
practice or drills required. It's actually...
Amazingly Simple!
Hey -- I didn't believe it myself at first. How can
world-class fighting be simple?
The answer... is in Nir's astonishing teaching method.
It's completely new
to martial arts.
Most systems get complicated fast. It takes years
to get just decent at the groundfighting skills needed
for your average fighting system... and then more years
to master the trapping skills, the disarming skills,
etc. And none of the training you learn in
face-to-face fighting works on the ground, and vice
Nir has magically made all
other martial arts training obsolete.
How? By bringing ALL the skills you will ever need
down to just 7 BASIC
TOOLS. And these tactics work whether
you're on the ground... running through a dark alley...
or surprised from behind with a knife or gun.
Think about that: One set of skills... which you can
use in EVERY SINGLE situation you find yourself in.
It's like having one tool in
your toolbox that does everything. It seems hard
to imagine... but it's real. It's proven.
And it's nasty.
That's why I insist you get the chance to check
this out for yourself, without risk. You have
to see new fighting system this to believe it. You have
to experience it to "get" how easy and simple
it really is. It just seems to defy "common sense"
But, man oh man, does it ever
I won't try to convince you here. Only seeing the stuff
in action will convince you. Still, here's a "taste"
of what you're about to discover:
- How to use the combat-veteran soldier's "Vital
Target" map of vulnerable spots on the human
body... to instantly take out ANYONE (of
any size or skill level) who attacks you! (Imagine
having secret targets you can reach on anyone, at
any time, that will paralyze
and put him down in one swift move!)
- How to raise your fighting skills from zero to world-class
(overnight)... using just 7 basic moves that
work on the ground, standing up, or against weapons!
(This is the simplest fighting system you've ever
seen... yet it is also the most PROVEN
and effective!)
- How to control... incapacitate... and end the fight
on your terms... in just seconds!
- Why "pain compliance" is total
horseshit in real combat... and "quick-learn"
tips on how to instantly destroy the skeletal structure
of your opponent to immobilize him without breaking
a sweat! (Pain doesn't deter wild-eyed terrorists
when they're in an adrenaline-fueled fury. Trying
to win a fight by "stunning" your attacker
is stupid and can get you killed in the real
- How to learn -- fast, in one quick session
-- almost all you need to know to face down the most
dangerous situations you'll ever encounter!
- The secrets of lulling your opponent into false
confidence... right before you take him out! (Gain
that crucial extra second to get
the upper hand, without escalating the danger.)
- How to use 12 pounds
of pressure (less than it takes to open a can
of soda pop) to cause a compete shutdown of his vital
systems! (A trick Israelis learn so they
can take out an attacker on the run, without pausing
to "fight" in any normal or expected way!)
- How to "mask" your intentions... so
your fight-ending move is completely hidden and a
total surprise to your opponent!
Oh, hell. It goes on and on. These are the most amazing
and effective fighting secrets you'll ever learn. All
in a short-cut, super-condensed format
that will infuse you with skills literally as you simply
WATCH the training DVD package.
The thing is... all
you have to learn is 7 simple moves... which
work whether you're standing up, running, or on the
ground. This training immediately reduces effective
self-defense into a (fun) single "force-feed"
session that will fly by.
Are you ready for it? No previous experience with fighting
is necessary. You don't need to be a "natural"
warrior. Nir will take care of all of that.
In a single training session.
Here's the deal:
Nir spent enough time in the studio for us
to make 4 DVD packages. Each one is worth its weight
in gold (or blood).
First... you
get the BASIC hand-to-hand package of two training package.
Each pack sells separately for $49.99...
you get the amazing ground-fighting video. (Nir's
ground-fighting tactics are astonishing... because they
leap over all other grappling techniques, and skip
the years of training necessary for most systems. You
learn proven fight-on-the-ground skills INSTANTLY.)
you get the Israeli secrets of defending against a
knife or gun. Disarming tactics up the yin-yang,
especially close-quarter combat skills that can
save your life in a confrontation. This is over
$200 worth of material... yet you can own it now
for just $99.
That's $30
less than what everyone else paid
But you
do not risk a penny to check it out
for yourself, personally. Because you get an extended...
One-Year 100%
Here's how it works: Check out this
amazing package for yourself, and take a full YEAR to
do it. If you're unhappy, for any reason (or for no
reason at all), simply return the package for a complete
refund. No questions asked.
And... I insist you KEEP the
"Knife And Gun Disarmament" DVD as
our gift to you, just for giving Nir a chance.
That's a $50 training video...
And... if you ask for your refund... you've just seen
the most sought-after fighting secrets on the planet...
for free.
Here's how to order:
Just call 1-800-899-8153 and
tell whoever answers you want Nir's "Advanced
Package -- Department IC-307".
You can use your credit card.
Or, if you can click the "buy" link below
to order it online now!
Either way... you do not
risk a penny.
This is SERIOUS stuff for anyone who wants to learn
-- fast -- the most effective and simple fighting skills
now in use.
This is also the ONLY way you
can learn this skills... unless you join the
Israeli army and opt for their Special Forces training.
And go face constant deadly combat every day of your
must hurry. Nir is understandably a little
concerned that his former employers might STOP him from
revealing these secrets. So he has authorized us to
release only a very limited number of packages,
on a very limited time schedule.
That means... we only duplicated
around 80 sets of this package, and then locked
up the masters so no one else could gain access to them.
Once this batch is sold out (and I expect it to sell
out in days), there is a good chance you won't get another
opportunity anytime soon to see this stuff!
You don't risk a penny by ordering right now.
You know that TRS has been around for over 15 years,
and is THE most trusted company in martial arts. We
have earned the trust and respect of SWAT cops, the
U.S. military, every branch of the Special Forces and
even the "black bag" arms of the FBI and CIA.
We protect our reputation like
a crazed bulldog. If you aren't happy, for any
reason whatsoever, I insist you send the material back
and get a complete refund. No questions asked. No hassles.
This stuff is the real thing. I am
confident you will be impressed. But if you aren't,
you get your money back, pronto. I respect your decision,
no matter what it is. That's the only way we'll do business
-- with you as the boss. It's how we built our reputation.
It's why we're the top company in martial arts.
So call right now. Do it. You'll get
your videos in just a few days... and you can see for
yourself what all the fuss is about.
This is gonna blow your mind.

P.S. One last thing -- when you order,
I will include a special FREE
audio CD we did with Nir that professionals
are calling "the most important revelation of fighting
secrets ever." In this DVD, Nir goes into chilling
detail about special Israeli combat secrets and tactics
-- this is stuff no one outside the Israeli "inner
circle" of trainers and soldiers has ever heard
before. If you're interested in PRACTICAL tactics and
strategies that real fighters use when their life is
on the line... you will love this.
And... it's yours FREE. To
keep, no matter what you decide later.
However... I only have enough
of these to send to the first 80 people. There's
one here for every member of my "e-hotlist",
(that includes you)... but I will have to give it to
someone else if you do not call right away. So hurry. |