“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.”

–Amrose Redmoon

Dear Friend:

This guide is about to build up your raw fighting skills to fearsome levels, it will put you ahead of 99% of most other guys on the streets today – even if you’ve NEVER been in a fight before in your life.

Fight Myths

First let’s start with some entertainment that doubles as education. I’ve listed some “fight myths” that have been floating around for years. You’ll now be one of the few people on earth who knows with 100% certainty that these “truths” are really ugly rumors, urban myths, and just plain ol’ damned lies.

Here they are:

1. Martial Artists Win Streetfights: Listen: I don't like to "knock" the martial arts. They all have something valuable to offer. We owe them a debt of gratitude for getting us where we are today, and they're better than nothing. BUT...unfortunately, many of the arts being widely taught today are ancient arts, developed for another time and place in history, for specific conditions and circumstances that simply do not exist in the world you'll be fighting in today.

As one instructor put it: "Martial Arts is what you do with somebody while street fighting is what you do to somebody." I wish I could take credit for that quote.

Okay…. There are really 4 types of martial arts schools out there:

Statistics show that your average “store front” black belt does not have a much better chance at winning a street fight than any other average guy.

Shocked? Well don’t be. Most martial arts concentrate on discipline and complicated “fine motor” techniques that go straight out the window when “crunch time” hits. And many martial arts techniques are simply no longer useful. Breaking pine boards in half for example was originally developed to train warriors how to shatter an opponent’s protective wooden chest plate. Can’t think of many street thugs today wearing that. The high flying roundhouse kick was developed to knock a man off his horse. Might work for a guy on his Harley…

2. The 5-Minute Fist Fight. This is a big one and it’s important that you get this Hollywood version of fighting out of your head. We’ve all been exposed to movies where the hero is endlessly fist-fighting. Yes, one big-gulp and a large popcorn later, he’s still going at it. But here’s a reality check for you. Nearly every actual street fight lasts for no more than 3 to 8 seconds! That’s right. It’s all over with in less time than it took for you to read this paragraph. Once you understand this, you can appreciate just how little time you have to recognize what’s going on and take decisive action to win. The key is what you do in the time leading up to that 3-8 seconds burst.

Alright... that's it for right now. We're just getting warmed up -- there's plenty more to come. In fact my next lesson will talk more about fight myths that may just surprise you. Don't miss it.

Til next time...

“You can prevent your opponent from defeating you through defense, but you cannot defeat him without taking the offensive.”

– Sun Tzu


Bob Pierce
     Head Honcho, TRS/FightFast

P.S. If you are even remotely interested in learning how to physically protect yourself (and your loved ones) with complete confidence, then I've got the most important thing you'll ever see.

You see, I have recently discovered a "scientific" fighting system that is so effective, you will be able to knock senseless anyone who confronts you–no matter how skilled they are at fighting–within 4 to 6 seconds! Learn all about it at:

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