It's just hands down the most brutally effective (yet simple to master system ever revealed to civilians!

Vicious Russian "Top Secret" Spec Op Military Fighting System Finally Revealed By Defiant "Underdog" U.S. Businessman!

This exciting news is going to blow the lid off the "self-defense" industry. Due to some unbelievably complex (international) breakthroughs...

I Now Have Digital Video Of
Russian Spec Op Unarmed Combat Secrets
The U.S. Military Spent Millions Trying To Steal!

From: Bob Pierce

To: My "Most Favored" e-Hotlist

Dear Friend

Check this out.

The U.S. military still doesn't have these amazing fighting secrets!

You cannot find a qualified teacher of these vicious hand-to-hand fighting secrets ANYWHERE in the United States... not in the military Special Forces, not in the FBI or CIA Virginia compounds, not in any of the high-tech "foreign experiment" dojos around "Area 51" in Nevada (the most secret military installation in the world).

This stuff is hands-down the best-kept secret among "insiders" in the world of serious combat.

But I found him -- the ONLY former-Russian Special Forces “super-soldier” willing to reveal the fighting techniques that made Soviet elite soldiers the most feared fighters on the planet.

Navy SEALS, DELTA soldiers, Rangers... .they’re tough guys, but even they admit they NEVER want to have to face anyone trained in the brutal killing arts of SPETSNAZ. (SPETSNAZ is Russian for “Special Forces,” but the organization is actually more elite than even our SEALS -- only one out of 3,000 Soviet spec op soldiers ever reaches this level... and NO ONE but these “elite-of-the-elite” soldiers in Russia ever gets this advanced training!

Ninety-six percent of the Russian military doesn’t even know these secret killing arts exist-due to intensive government cover-ups! Even the more famous KGB agents -- Russia’s version of the Nazi Gestapo -- are terrified of SPETSNAZ operatives and their skills.)

The guy I found is named Vladimir Vasiliev, and I had to travel to Toronto, Canada to see him -- he won’t come see me here in the States. (Let’s just say he’s a little “cautious”, due to his reputation and escape from Soviet Russia.)

Finding this former Russian “super-soldier” meant risking my ass with some serious international intrigue. Fortunately, I still have several “deep contacts” in the U.S. military special forces... and when Vladimir finally decided to “go public” in a big way, he sent word to me through a Ranger veteran in northern Idaho.

And let me tell you, this is the most important “find” in all my years of working with world-class fighting arts. (I’ve been swamped with calls from cops, U.S. special forces soldiers, federal agents and street fighters about this tape... even though it’s not for sale yet-word has slipped out among the insiders already,) you see, Vladimir wasn’t just a Spec Op soldier.

No way.

Vladimir was so “high up’ he taught this astonishing Russian fighting system to other SPETSNAZ agents (and was, in fact, one of their “specialized” trainers)... and then led them in the most chilling and dangerous missions I’ve ever been briefed on (all still classified Top Secret by the Russian Army)! (My Ranger contact, who did two frontline tours in Vietnam, was equally blown away away listening to these bloody tales.)

Vladimir is so tight-lipped about his past it took me 6 months to get this deal together... but I did it. And now... because of this jerk-off “black baggers” harassing me at home...

I have to Move Fast to Make Sure These Amazing Combat
Secrets Are Available (And Stay Available) To Civilians Like You!

What I’m doing is not illegal... but you know my little company has been stopped before by “high up” interference despite being in the right. (These “higher ups’ want to keep this information only for cops and soldiers, and out of the hands of civilians like you and me.

Last year we held 3 exciting “hands on” gun-and-fighting workshops hosted by veteran Navy SEALS and former DELTA officers... and these workshops were stopped by mysterious, powerful interference!) Now, dammit, I love this country... but sometimes a man is forced to just stand up and say “ENOUGH!”

I don’t care what anyone says -- the Cold War is over, and if these “top secret” Russian hand-to-hand techniques are now “fair game” to be shared with you... well, that’s what I’m gonna do.

And if I’m putting my life in danger doing something that I guaranteed by the First Amendment... well... sometimes you gotta show a little courage to do the right thing.

But... with your help... I see an EASY way out of this... if you act fast.
Up to today, very few people have seen these DVDs (or even know they exist). And, as soon as I can, I want to get this package into the hands of as many “civilians” as possible.

I’ve ordered a limited number of “special” sets of these tapes prepared, and by next weekend, I want them all in the hands of people like you. Once this happens...

The Cat Will Be Out Of The Bag!

There's no law against owning these DVDs... or selling them. The only way anyone can stop this deal is to stop me from getting them out.

Once the DVDs are in the hands of the "public" (meaning non-military people like you), the game is over. That's why I am selling these special packages at about half what they're worth!

And you don't get the "edited" version either. No. what I'm sending you is the same un-edited version that I have in my own home for training.

Plus, I'm throwing in an extra bonus video -- this extra footage really "pushes the line" -- it contains Russian military "dirty tricks" about fighting with improvised weapons.

This made sure that SPETSNAZ soldiers were never farther away than their belt, jacket, wallet or even a simple magazine from possessing an amazing weapon that can defeat and disarm even a skilled attacker holding a gun or knife on them. (This is incredible information I've never seen before from all my years in this business. Even professional soldiers and cops are astounded at the Russians' ability to create weapons out of virtually nothing during a street fight.)

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Plus, you get the most wild-ass guarantee I've ever offered anyone at any time—you can order these tapes, watch them, train with them... for an entire 4 months... and, if you're not satisfied, for any reason, just send 'em back for a complete refund of your entire "insider" price.

AND...You get to keep that special Russian "improvised weapons" bonus footage, no matter what.

What’s more... I’m even paying (out of my own pocket) for all you’re shipping and handling costs-about $16 worth of postage-plus.

That means you get the most outrageous discount price available... without any risk at all... plus the chance to see the “unedited” insider DVDs... of the HOTTEST fighting secrets videos now in existence!

This will cost me dearly -- no way am I going to make up my initial expense of flying a crew into Canada to shoot this... not selling this huge package of stuff at almost 50% off... but it’s worth it... because... I have dedicated my life to providing this kind of important information to civilians.

Now... I realize all this sounds like some weird "spy" drama you'd see on television. But this is how the "real world" works. Most men in my position would just close up shop, and not try to ruffle anyone's feathers.

I'm not like that. I love being an American, and it feels good to do the right thing... even if I'm taking an enormous risk.

You, of course,
risk absolutely nothing.

But, man, are you ever going to be blown away by these tapes Vladimir made!

If you value your self-defense (and the protection of your family and loved ones)... you have just discovered the easiest... yet most effective way to beat any attacker (of any size), anywhere, anytime... even if you are surprised, outnumbered, or bare-handed against a weapon!

Here’s why everyone who’s seen it is so excited about this new fighting system:

  • There are NO moves to memorize or practice-the entire system works by using your natural movements (and just “lethalizing” them with a few “twists”). This is the only system I’ve ever seen where you look like you’re having relaxed FUN kicking serious ass!
  • No one has a clue how defend or attack this system-even the handful of U.S. fighting experts who have seen it can’t find a way to beat it! There are no “stances”, so you’re never unprepared... and cannot be taken by surprise!
  • It’s so ingeniously simple; you can MASTER it in the shortest time humanly possible! (Russian spec op soldiers spend minimum time in training-a fraction of what SEALS do-and yet the Russians quickly attained better hand-to-hand fighting skills!) There is NO other fighting art you can learn in a shorter time anywhere on the planet!
  • You don’t need to be in shape, or have a fast reflexes, or any previous training at all-in fact, being buffed-out and having athletic reactions wont help you master this any faster at all! (Vladimir loves training women, first time fighters, and people you might be tempted to call “weak” or “small”.) In fact... this style is so fluid and natural that it easily adapts to your particular strengths and...

Instantly Eliminates Your Weakness!

You learn it fast, it's easy to use, and yet even casual training in it will allow you to rub the noses of bigger, meaner, and more skilled black belt/streetfighing thugs into the dirt.

It's so deceptively dangerous; people will think you're using magic to knock opponents out!

Sounds like a Hollywood bullshit movie, doesn't it. Well, it's not. I checked it out—by hiring two expensive "investigative reporters" to see if all this was the truth.

Here's what they found: First, Vladimir is the “real thing.” He was a champion boxer and karate competitor in his home town of Tver (2 hours east of Moscow). When he reached the Army, his special talents as a fighter got him placed in officer training with SPETSNAZ.

He spent 10 years with that elite operation, running multiple special missions... including eleven deep reconnaissance and POW recoveries behind enemy lines (this was during the brutal Afghanistan War-Russia’s nightmare version of our Vietnam.)

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On top of seeing more bloody face-to-face combat than any American soldier I’ve met, Vladimir was so skilled at these special hand-to-hand combat arts that he trained other SPETSNAZ operatives, KGB hit-men, Kremlin bodyguards, elite paratroopers and Russian big-city SWAT teams.

But it’s WHAT he taught that’s so interesting. This Russian fighting system is like NOTHING you’ve ever seen or heard about before. There are very good reasons why the U.S. military spent  mega-millions of dollars (and wasted the lives of good agents) trying to steal this amazing system.

First, it's just hands-down the most devastating fighting system anyone's ever seen. (This is freely admitted by martial art experts in every discipline.) Second, it's simple to master, and not based on strength or conditioning— the equivalent of handing you a loaded revolver to face an unarmed attacker:

No Contest!

Third, there's the amazing "short cut" learning process. Russian scientists discovered long ago how to quickly "download" even the most vicious training directly into your nervous system -- so it's part of who you are, not just something you've memorized.

That means, in a fight, while the other guy is thinking about his next move, you've already made yours... and ended the fight. (This Russian secret of "training the nervous system directly" has never been fully understood by the U.S. military—in fact, Vladimir can't even explain what he does... he only has the massive evidence of success to show that what he does works.

This enrages American scientists -- especially the ones connected with the Pentagon.)

Fourth, this new system prepares you with physical, psychological and PSYCHIC training... stuff our boys haven't even begun to understand.

Vladimir trained with knives held to his back, fighting live prisoners using live ammo, suffering mind-game torture (like being stuffed in a small sewer pipe so tight he could barely breathe, and left there for long hours)... and -- coupled with the devastating hand-to-hand skills you're also about to learn — it was this training that got these soldiers so tough, so dangerous, and so skilled that they got through bloody fights victorious and safe.

What's more... it was GUARANTEED these elite Russian soldiers would never meet a better hand-to-hand fighter...

Anywhere On The Planet!

This system evolved because of Russia's long history of warfare. Everybody took a shot at them over the last few thousand years... which meant Russian soldiers had to learn (fast) how to beat black belt Japanese Samurai... razor-swallowing Mongols under Attila the Hun... French savate experts... British boxers... Korean swordsmen... Turkish terrorists... German storm-troopers... and on and on. So they needed a system that would instantly adapt to any fighting style you faced... and instantly beat it.

Russia didn't have a "standing" army of professional soldiers until recently, either—so this fighting system also had to be learned quickly by farmers and factory workers... and mastered by them... so they could go into battle (often the next day) and win against superior numbers and better-armed professional warriors.

What's more, once learned, this system had to be so simple to remember, and so natural (using only those moves you do naturally, everyday, to walk, wash, eat, breathe, etc.) that these "farmer-soldiers" wouldn't forget it, even if it was 20 years until the next battle!

The amazing thing is, my researchers discovered that civilians who learned (even casually) this system seemed to absorb all the attributes of the "super soldiers".

Here are just a few stories we learned:

  • One young Canadian who Vladimir trained for a short time is so small, and so “fragile” looking (5’6”, 140 pounds soaking wet) you might mistake him for a girl from across the street. Yet... he’s now banned from competition fighting because he hurt all his opponents too seriously! (Black belts don’t like to get their noses broken by a “boy” who doesn’t seem to actually have any fighting skills they can identify!)
  • Another Canadian guy named Mike Sapiz (5’9”, maybe 160 pounds) ran afoul of 7 beefy bouncers ins a European nightclub-the biggest one was a bodybuilder with 17 inch arms and a serious attitude problem... but the “fight” took about 8 seconds-Mike took the big jerk down and held him there, helpless, for the other bouncers to see, and they backed off, all their macho attitude suddenly gone. Mike’s life had been threatened, and his training with Vladimir literally forced him to react in the most brutally effective way.
  • Another Canadian (James Pomerants) was vacationing in the Caribbean, minding his own business, when the guy at the next table pulled out a knife and waved it in a woman’s face. No one else in the bar moved... but James took the knife away and “convinced” the Wildman to calm down with a nerve shattering move no one saw. His brief Russian System training just “leapt” out of him, automatically and savagely.
  • A 32 year old cop arrived at a scene just like the Rodney King incident-this crack-crazed thug wasn’t fazed by pepper spray or nightsticks, and was terrorizing 3 armed policeman. He stepped in and put the mad-dog on the ground without hesitation... using a simple move he had only recently learned from Vladimir. (Needless to say, those other cops are now among those hounding me for these new training videos.)
  • A Russian soldier (name withheld) had been parachuted behind enemy lines in Afghanistan, and hadn’t seen food or water for days. He was exhausted and struggling with a 130-pound pack of explosives-a stiff breeze would have taken him down. Afghani mountain warriors attacked with Khyber swords (long, curved blades as sharp as razors)... no contest. The Afghani’s are feared the world over for their viciousness and courage and delight in killing... but this time they had picked the wrong “easy target”. This soldier was trained in the Russian System, and even dead-tired, hampered by 130 pounds of metal and leather, starved and surprised... he disposed of the attacker in seconds.

It's amazing, too, what happens when "ordinary" people train with Vladimir. Businessmen suddenly find themselves influencing people with their confidence and intuition... smaller guys who would never otherwise consider a bodyguard job suddenly excel at it... and... Without a word said... suddenly no one wants to get in your way in the street.

It's like "loading up" your body and your confidence with...

Mysterious Power
That Others Can Sense In You!

What Vladimir does is teach your body to "think"... this training goes straight to your nervous system, and operates automatically whenever you're in danger!

This ain't JKD by any measure... yet what Vladimir teaches is more "in tune" with Bruce Lee's philosophy than any other art now practiced anywhere! (Stay fluid... no memorized moves... only use what works, regardless of tradition... everything Bruce Lee promised has shown up in this amazing new system.)

Here are some details of what you're about to learn:

  • Where to find the "handles" on your opponent so you can lead him into your elbows and knees and inflict more immediate damage than any karate kick or ju jitsu take-down known!
  • How to deliver a "punch" (without ever forming a classic "fist") that will do more devastation than hitting your opponent with a hammer! (You'll look like a blur of motion, but in reality you're only making very simple, natural movements—easily learned -- which you can use regardless of your fitness level or body type!)
  • The most unique knee work you've ever seen... allowing you to dominate attackers without putting your drink down! Devastating, effective... perfect for tight places, or when your arms have been trapped (or, as the Russians learn, wounded)!
  • How to unleash the natural "whips" in your body to take out even attackers who have advanced, high-end athletic quick reactions! (They can be twice as fast as you and still not be able to defend themselves from the brain-numbing blows you deliver!)
  • How to use your belly to deflect formal and street-level strikes—even if you've got a large gut! (You've never seen a fighting art that allows you to be so out of shape, and still deadly!)
  • Special "one-strike" fight-enders especially developed by the Russians to be used when you are exhausted, drained of energy, even wounded! (You only want to know this vicious stuff for when your life is in danger! The games are over...)
  • New target areas you never knew existed that will instantly leave your attacker numb and uselss! (A simple “tap... and he’s limp!)
  • How to multiply the power behind your blows - a simple technique that can turn a mild slap into the most savage strike you’ve ever delivered!
  • How to use your elbow to take out bulky, larger opponents... especially street fighting boxers! (Not like any karate elbow work you’ve ever seen!
  • How to take out multiple opponents with the Russian version of the “bitch slap” and unbelievably deadly strike that “multiples” itself... perfect for taking out 2 attackers at once!
  • The rotating fist that causes extreme pain with every “touch”! (Let your opponent know right NOW who he’s dealing with, and what he has to look forward to if he doesn’t run away immediately!)
  • How Russians have learned to “parlay” the energy of getting hit (in a surprise attack), so your “reply” strike absorbs all the power and returns it-just like an electric current making a loop and burning a hole in the original plug! (Pro fighters have been searching for this secret for years!)
  • Special strikes that will let a 12-year-old kid shred a bodybuilder’s gridiron stomach like melted cheese!
  • An ingenious way to use your teeth (that could only come from the Russians) on hidden “pressure points” that will leave your opponent helpless!
  • How to use special “psi” training techniques to quickly “recondition” your nervous system so you don’t feel pain during a fight!
  • How to turn the fact you’re shorter, smaller, fatter or weaker than your opponent into an advantage!
  • Where to look with your eyes during a confrontation — the Russians discovered it's NOT a direct stare that gives you an advantage... almost all professional fighters eventually do this intuitively, and now you'll have the secret!
  • The incredible Russian "Trinity Shot" — a rapid-fire explosion of hands and feet that no one can defend against! (And yet it's simple to learn, completely adaptable to your body type and level of fitness!)
  • How to use ingenious "test kicks" to find out how scared your opponent is! (He may look confident and tough, but you'll know the truth in seconds.)
  • How to become a “mugger-proof” by learning how to easily turn unexpected attacks (even from behind your back) into instant wins!
  • How to knock someone completely off balance... by spitting at them! (Yes, there’s a trick to it, but you only need to see it once to understand how to use it effectively!)
  • Why the “breathing secrets” of all Oriental martial arts don’t work in a real fight... and how to use your natural breathing to add 400% more power to your every move in a dangerous situation! (This secret explains why Russian fighters laugh so much when they fight!)
  • How to stay relaxed (literally, loose as a goose) during the most dangerous attacks... allowing any fear to simply dissipate into thin air! (Quickly, you’ll learn how to never "feel" fear again!)
  • How to make fancy black belt kickers look silly by simply “tripping” them up!
  • How to take down a trained fighter with a 5-inch hip move (used by elite soldiers who have been captured and tied up!)
  • The most devastating “finishing moves” you’re ever seen-easy to learn, utterly final for ending a fight fast!
  • The famous “Tregubetz” takedown move that scares the crap out of ju jitsu ground fighters!
  • How to open his fist and remove the knife as if from a child!
  • The 3 “mind-game” secrets that even tiny Russians use to become the best bodyguards in the world!
  • Totally unknown (in the U.S. knee strikes that will give you an instant advantage over better-skilled fighters! (Especially in tight places, like a crowded bar or a narrow alley or between parked cars.)
  • Filthy Russian "dirty tricks" that will turn cocky black belt fighters into unconscious lumps of meat at your feet! (You won't believe these "one-second discussion enders" until you see them for yourself!)

 And lots more.

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In fact, I've made sure your "special" DVD package includes a Bonus section on "Improvised Weapons"... where you'll learn:

  • How to make a instant set of "brass knuckles" with a magazine and four quarters! (Better than a brick or baseball bat for inflicting pain and damage against multiple attackers-- includes specific "best targets" map for strikes.)...
  • How to use your wallet to take out a knife-wielding attacker! (Perfect "dirty trick" for turning tables on a mugger.)...
  • How to use a credit card as a knife! (Inflict wounds as savage as an Afghani Khyber sword!)...
  • How to use your jacket to take away a knife, to strangle multiple opponents (astonishing technique, easy to master!), and to literally tie-up a conscious attacker so he can't get free!...
  • 11 ways to use your belt more effectively than a knife or bat! (Plus, the Russian Army "official" way to use a belt to truss up an opponent so he can't move, can't get away... and will go anywhere you want him to go! Perfect info for taking care of attackers after you've subdued them!)...
  • How to make a noose out of almost anything... to make sure your opponent stays down after you’ve put him on the ground! (Answers the question, finally, of what to do until the cops arrive!)

Look... I could go on for another 20 pages... but if you aren't convinced by now, you never will be.

I wouldn't be trusting you with all this hot information if I didn't have a pretty good idea you'd be very interested. I've done all I can to bring these amazing DVDs to you.

It cost a small fortune to fly a professional crew up there, do the 3-camera shoot (on top equipment), clear Customs with unlabeled bags, and get the master-copies made.

I’ve slashed the price to 50% of what everyone else will pay (plus arranged for you to get a longer guarantee than anyone else), thrown in every “goodie available... and I have your special set of tapes and manual right here in my office.

All I need is your okay to send it out.

Here’s what you need to do now: Hit the "Add To Cart" button below right now.

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The price is just $99 (that’s almost HALF of what everyone expected to have to pay)... and, if you order right away (within 11 days), you'll also received that FREE bonus -- and you’ll get everything by rush delivery.

Nevertheless, you get the SAME "unedited" version I have myself to train with at home.

Later, when we go to the "general" public, we'll have to sanitize the tapes quite a bit. (The camera crew and the sound guys all insisted on this version for themselves, too... the FIRST time I've ever had a request like that from a crew.

These guys are jaded... but Vladimir impressed them like no one else they've ever seen!) PLUS... you get the Bonus section on "Improvised Weapons"... (The same "insider" knowledge the SPETSNAZ "super soldiers" got) -- and you can KEEP the bonus DVD no matter what you decide to do later! (And, you have 4 months to decide! I'll personally make sure you get an immediate refund.)

The ONLY catch to all this is...

You Have To Order
Right NOW!

Just order this DVD package, keep it as long as you like, sample the training... and make your own decision. That's what this is all about -- the right to make your own decision about this kind of information.

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So please... order online now. Like I said, I’ve got a special set of the DVDs waiting here for you. I’ve got people waiting to ship your order right away.


Bob Pierce

Bob Pierce

If you mail it... you gotta do this TODAY, all right? Thanks.

P.P.S. And just listen to what street fighter, cops and bodyguards -- and “ordinary” civilians -- have to say:

“Cops and bodyguards (like me) train with us here in Canada, and they use this system every day. The training is exactly at “street level’ intensity, a real fighting tool for real life. I have disarmed crazed men threatening women with knives in the Caribbean, taken out 3 robbers with one move in Europe, and more. I KNOW this works in the real world.” -- James Pomerants, 37, Professional bodyguard.

“Even as a black belt in Kung Fu, I was still scared of confrontations or of getting into a fight. That all changed with Vladimir’s teachings -- I’m now totally confident, and I know that whatever happens, I will survive. I can handle any kind of confrontation now.” -- Elad Saji, black belt instructor in Kung Fu, Toronto.

“This Russian fighting system is the best I’ve found-completely different from anything else you’ve ever seen. There are no special movements, like in karate-all moves are natural and instinctive, so it’s easy to learn.” -- Igor Davidov, professional boxer, trained with Canadian Olympic Boxing Team.

“I’ve developed so much new confidence, that I now routinely fight with guys twice my size. This system teaches you what will work in a street fight, and you can believe it because Vladimir has so much real life experience to share!” -- Barry Street, 26.

“The beautiful part of Vladimir’s system is that your opponent I encouraged to touch you... and once they have, you immediately destroy them!” -- Rick Merrell, black belt in tae Kwon Do.

“The best system to handle multiple attackers you could ever study. I’ve studied Ju-Jitsu, Tae Kwon Do, Phillipino martial arts, you name it... and I plan to stick with what Vladimir taught me! This is the ultimate confidence booster.” -- Dr Brett Jacques, 43, Portland, Oregon (Professional Sambo fighter, former Army Ranger).

“Vladimir only teaches you what he knows will work in real life situations. I’ve got 20 ears of black belt fighting experience and I’ve never seen anybody do what he does-this system is several steps higher than any other martial art!” -- Den Brinkley, 50, Salt Lake City, Vietnam veteran.

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