“You might as well stand and fight because if you run, you will only die tired.”

– Vern Jocque (USMC)

Dear Friend:

This is “Part Four” of my Ultimate fight guide – which indicates there’s a “Part One, Two, and Three” somewhere else. So if you haven’t read them I encourage you to get it.

Read it first before continuing on.

Please, you don’t want to take a “ready-fire-aim” approach to this. Start at the beginning. You’ll initiate a powerful confidence-building process to discovering the true secrets to fighting and WINNING a “real-world” streetfight -- even if you’ve NEVER been in a fight before in your life.

Okay... lecture over -- let’s move onto some fighting statistics.

Now these fight stats, (as well as the fight myths we’ve already covered), are a heck of a lot of fun to learn about -- but let’s not forget there’s a larger picture here. Sure, entertainment is fine -- but the real reason I’m revealing to you the results of my 18 years of fight research is so that you can start to separate fact from fantasy... strip away the smoke and mirrors... and dispel once and for all the utter B.S. that is preventing you from protecting yourself and your loved ones.

Don’t skip over any of this. Like the six-million-dollar-man, we’re in a process of “re-building” you -- minus all the bionics (although I’d sure like just one of those arms).

Ultimately I’m leading you to an exciting finish – where the clouds of indecision will evaporate and you’ll know precisely what to do in a confrontation – and EXACTLY how to win any fight... against anyone... of any size.

Let’s continue on...

“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived.”

— George Patton

Street Fighting Stats:

Once again, this is what 18 years of extensive research – I’m talking FBI files... CIA white papers... hardcore police reports... and real street-fights caught on video... shows to be true. So I want to assure you that I haven’t just made this stuff up.

Anyway, here’s “just the facts”... and it’ll help to start clearing things up for you.

1.) He’s So Big. Your adversary will most likely be taller and larger than you. Now again, I want to point out again that everything here is based on probability. For example, Shaquille O’Neil is probably not going to be confronted by someone bigger and stronger than him as there are maybe 3 other people on the planet that fit that description. But it is possible.

Anyway, statistics show that you’re most likely to be drawn into a confrontation with someone bigger than you -- and the reasons may be obvious. Your adversary likes the idea that he will easily be able to harm and control you with little or no injury to himself. It’s rare indeed that an individual will engage you in a confrontation because he wants to be hurt (unless of course he’s “into it”), so it’s a safe to bet that anyone seriously threatening you and your family will be bigger than you.

There is one exception to this rule – it’s something called “Small Man’s Syndrome or the “Napoleon Complex”. This is when a smaller man attempts to enhance or maintain his self image by continually challenging larger men for the most minor of reasons (even NO reason). His small stature makes him a highly sensitive person -- a hybrid of a bully and an emotionally highjacked individual -- who reacts with violence to the smallest of real or imagined slights.

2.) He’s So High. That’s right, over half of the time your adversary will be high as a kite on drugs and/or alcohol. Of course that’s a two edged sword. You’ve got a better chance at winning against a high-flyer -- chiefly because their reflexes are so poor. But on the other hand, if he wasn’t so high, then the fight probably would never have occurred. But then again... uh... jeeze... I think I need a drink...

3.) The Haymaker. If you allow him to initiate the fight, 90% of the time your opponent will throw a looping right hook – a “haymaker” -- to your head. Like I said, most guys on the street have two moves -- a right haymaker and a left haymaker. And since most people are right handed... well... you get it -- what an arsenal!

This one fact alone can go a long way to being prepared -- and it’s why a lot of experienced fighters will automatically begin to circle toward an opponent’s left side before a confrontation even begins. Why? Well it’s tough for a right-hander to get a good haymaker shot if you’re on his left side And if he turns to try to get a good shot – just continue to circle to your right so that you can stay on his left side. An old boxing trick that’s simple.

So, as you can see, having even a few dirty tricks up your sleeve can go a long way to winning a fight. Most guys you’ll meet are very limited in their number of options. Use that fact to your advantage.

Alright... plenty more fascinating fight stats coming your way.

“You can prevent your opponent from defeating you through defense, but you cannot defeat him without taking the offensive.”

– Sun Tzu

Til next time...


Bob Pierce
    Head Honcho, TRS/FightFast

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