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Individual results may vary.
Give Me Any Average Guy
(Who Can
Watch A Video) And I'll Teach Him
Brutal, Reality Based, Self Defense Moves
Specifically Designed To
Take Down Larger Attackers
I've got 11 "Video Fighting Lessons" that are
I'm Totally Serious! No Membership... No Strings Attached...
No "Catches" Whatsoever. You're Only Moments Away From
Receiving Brutal Fighting Secrets From Some of
The World's Most Dangerous Fighters...
Bob Pierce, President,
FightFast.com/TRS Direct
Dear Friend:
If you're interested in learning how to fight-to-win using "Real World" brutal fighting techniques, you're definitely in the right place.
That's right. No matter how small you are... or your current skill level... you too can learn the world's most dangerous "Fighting Skills" from the most respected combat experts around.
And the 11 no-cost training videos your about to receive will put you on the fast track to becoming the kind of mega-dangerous fighter, ready to take care of business at a moment's notice.
The kind of guy other men look to when it "hits the fan."
But you don't have to take my word for it. Listen to what other people are saying:
"Refreshingly void of BS"

I highly recommend watching it and learning the truth for yourself! I have tried conventional martial arts classes over the years but after months was never taught anything other than unending repetition of outdated stances and how to fall. I am thankful I discovered TRS and this training.
-Andy P.
"Thank God For TRS Direct"

I am the head over our security team at our local Christian Church in the Pittsburgh area in PN. I thank God for TRS Direct, along with their wonderful staff in putting together such a wonderful service in training myself and other 11 security guys.
-Anthony Belczyk Pittsburgh, PA
That's just a small taste of the fan mail I receive every week. You can read more of these messages on the left and right of the page.
Best part is: I'll send you all 11 Mini-Fight Lessons for FREE!
Here's how your transformation into a mega-dangerous fighter is going to work. I've divided these 11 short-cut lessons up into 5 easy to follow Self Defense "Mini-Clinics."
You'll get instant access to the first lesson right away. I'll send the other 4 lessons directly to your inbox each day after that (a total of 11 videos). There's no obligations...no fees or dues...in fact no money required at all.
All you need to do is put your name and email address in the form below and hit the "Instant Access" button...
It's that simple... and you'll have immediate access to some of the most advanced "underground" brutal street fighting secrets currently used by special forces soldiers, swat cops, bar bouncers, street fighters & high level security contractors.
These combat self defense lessons are cutting-edge and devastatingly effective. But they're only for guys who are serious about learning brutal self defense skills, proven street fighting moves, and real-world hand-to-hand combat.
If you think you are ready for the responsibility that comes with this kind of "combat knowledge" you can get started right away by signing up below.
This is serious stuff and it's taken me over 20-years to put it all together.
NOBODY has ever given-away this kind of serious self defense combat instruction at no cost.
Why in the heck am I giving these wickedly effective, self defense, training videos away to anyone who asks?
Truth is, most of my competitors have shamelessly ripped-off this valuable material.
...and are trying to sell it to guys like you who are eager to shell out their hard earned cash just to get their hands on these down and dirty fight secrets.
That ticks me off... big time.
So I decided to take the freaking wind out of their sales... by giving the "Real McCoy" away for nothing.
What's in it for me?
Well, aside from the twisted pleasure of pulling the rug out from under my competitors, I get the personal satisfaction of knowing that guys like you can...
Finally Learn the Self Defense Moves that are critical if you want to:
- Defend yourself in today's dangerous streets.
- Protect your girlfriend, wife, or children from today's brutal street thugs.
- Enjoy the confidence of knowing you can "take care of business" if trouble hits.
With violence increasing all around us I wouldn't dream of keeping this kind of basic, life-saving instruction away from you. All I ask is that you fill in your name and email address in the box below, so I can send this info to you right away.
So sign-up now! You'll be absolutely blown away by what you discover...and since it's free you have nothing to lose.
To Get Complimentary Access to My 5-Day Self Defense "Mini-Clinic" Enter Your Name and Email Address Below:
I respect your privacy and will never sell or share your email address.
You may opt out of receiving email messages at anytime.
Individual results may vary, the level of success attained depends on your abilities,
and actual time devoted to practice.
If you're smart you're probably still wondering "what's in it for me." Some people think I'm crazy for handing out this kind of cutting edge life saving info for free, but the truth is...
I know once you see how effective these reality based street fighting skills are you'll be dying to get your hands on one of my full-length self defense programs (I've got over two dozen packages you can choose from).
I'm going out on a limb here, but giving you a taste of these combat proven fighting skills at no cost is the only way to prove what I'm saying is true.
Watch it for free and decide for yourself.
If you like it you'll have exclusive access to buy one of my self defense combat packages.
Here's A Sample of What You'll Learn From The Free 5 Day Mini-Clinic:
- How to ruin your attacker's equilibrium with a quick strike (this one's a special forces favorite). When used correctly it'll give you a chance escape or follow up with another self defense technique - even if you are a small woman or child.
- Avoid getting kicked and stomped on the ground by learning the proper way to get back to your feet if your attacker takes you by surprise and knocks you on your back.
- A little known "soft target" that'll cause bigger stronger attackers to release a front choke hold. He'll be gurgling and gasping while wondering how he suddenly became the victim.
- A cheater's way to quickly put an attacker on his back specifically designed to be used while sitting in a chair (but works great while standing too). Suddenly he'll be on the ground and you'll have the advantage of deciding what to do to him next.
- The only proper way to use elbow strikes in a street fight. The trick is knowing how to put all your weight behind each blow and controlling your attacker so he can't escape the punishment and regain the offensive.
- A brutal groin strike "flip-takedown" designed to be used by small women against larger meaner attackers.
- How a few "unfair" distraction techniques will give you a split second advantage in nearly any street fight. When attacked by some ruthless street thug fair fighting goes out the window, but these 'dirty tricks' can still save your skin.
Your about to receive one-on-one in-depth VIDEO instruction...from some of the world's most accomplished martial artists... bar-room bouncers... hardened street fighters... "hot-duty" combat soldiers... back-alley bare-knuckle "cage" brawlers and black bag military "elimination" forces.
Some of these guys are half crazy, but their hard-core combat experience is invaluable to you...
You'll learn from these 5 "Instant Lessons" what most guys don't learn in a lifetime of dojo training (where they rarely teach you the kind of ugly "real world" tricks you'll need if you want to survive a real life street fight.)
And so far I've only told you what you'll learn from the video lessons. As part of the deal you'll also be receiving free access to my 100 page Guide To Fighting And Winning.
It's the culmination of years of researching Federal Crime Stats, FBI White Papers, and interviews with dozens of special forces soldiers, swat cops, cage fighters, and marital artists.
This report exposes the dark underbelly of street fighting and violent crime. You'll learn what you must do if you're ever forced to use the self defense combat skills you're about to learn.
Just knowing this stuff will change the way you see the world. After absorbing this information you'll find yourself subconsciously analyzing the danger level wherever you go... and building "Action Plans" on the fly so when crunch time hits you'll automatically switch into combat mode before most men even realize something is wrong.
But you must sign up for this self defense instruction now.
Believe it or not, that little Google ad you just clicked to get here costs me PLENTY of money.
I don't mind, because I LOVE Self Defense and my little self defense company has done very well over the last 20 years. But I just don't know how long I can pay to give away my best stuff for free.
Sign up right now, while this powerful "combat self defense" information is still available to to the general public for free. You'll be glad you did...
To Get Complimentary Access to My 5-Day Self Defense "Mini-Clinic" Enter Your Name and Email Address Below:
I respect your privacy and will never sell or share your email address.
You may opt out of receiving email messages at anytime.
Once you sign up you'll get instant access to the Self Defense Video Fight Course right away.
Bob Pierce
TRS Direct
*Individual results may vary. This program is based on simplicity allowing you to learn highly effective techniques with less practice than traditional martial arts. However, mastering any self defense technique requires some practice.
**Always use proper safety gear when practicing self defense. Self defense laws vary by state and county. Consult a local law enforcement agency to find out about the laws in your area.