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"It's a shocking wake up call to average civilians... "

Why Has The World's
Most Respected
Expert Spilled His
Most Treasured
"War-Craft" Secrets
To "Clueless"
American Civilians?

The Answer Will
Blow Your Mind!

Military combat secrets
specifically designed
civilians to
protect them
from the recent craze of
Insane gunmen
shooting up
concerts, night clubs,
school yards, and places of

employment, This New

provides you
with The SAME
Brutal "Quick-Learn" Combat
Taught To Elite Special
Forces Around The World!

Hi, it's Jimbo over here at FightFast on behalf of Bob Pierce and the rest of the crew.

I've got something brand new that WILL save lives.

And I can't believe we got such a famous American Special Ops expert to reveal this dangerous stuff.

It's just killer fighting information.

See that photo to the right? That's SGT Jim Wagner on the cover of "Black Belt" Magazine (for the second time). This guy is a...

Real American

Amazing record. A counter-terrorist expert (he's been on 146 missions), who taught and trained the world's most dangerous fighters including the:

  • U.S. Marines...
  • U.S. Army units...
  • U.S. Air Force Security Forces...
  • German GSG9 Elite Special Forces...
  • Israeli Defense Forces...

And the list goes on. The Argentine Special Forces... Brazilian GEPA Elite Forces... U.S. Attorney's Anti-Terrorism Task Force... Mexican SWAT... Spanish Special Forces... the London Metropolitan police... Royal Canadian Mounted Police Anti-Terrorist Units... the U.S. Navy... Finland's National Police Academy... the DEA... U.S. Border Patrol -- and more.

It seems almost impossible that I'm talking about ONE man here. But I am, (actually I'd need another 20 pages to give you a full list of his accomplishments).

But what's really stunning is that SGT Wagner gave it all up -- the shoot-em-up Special Forces action, the adrenalin pump, the sheer rush of it all -- for one simple reason: He wanted to teach average American civilians how to protect themselves from...

Heavily-Armed Lunatics.

No kidding.

It's happening so much that a new term has been coined in the American lexicon. They're calling them "Active Shooters".

Now it's common knowledge that Americans have always been tough bastards (Japan's biggest concern about invading our mainland wasn't so much the U.S. Army... but the hordes of freely armed civilians that would rush out in waves to slaughter them).

But that said, Americans are understandably clueless about how to handle murderous thugs "going postal" at our schools... on the job... in restaurants... bars... and shopping malls. (Did you know 20% of these are vicious attacks are bombings?).

We've almost become numb to it. I'm talking about rampages like:

  • The two punks from Jefferson County Colorado that embarked on a shooting and bombing orgy, killing 13 and wounding 23. They were armed with guns, rifles and two 20 pound propane bombs with enough explosive power to destroy the entire cafeteria and bring the library above crashing down.
  • The 19-year-old who recently killed 9 people and wounded 4 in an upscale Nebraska shopping mall... because he "wanted to go out in style".
  • An Oregon high-school loner who traipsed into a Thurston school assembly and shot up 27 kids in about 90 seconds...
  • The San Ysidro man who stepped into a McDonalds with a 9mm Uzi semi-automatic, a Winchester pump-action twelve-gauge shotgun, and a 9mm Browning -- and killed 21 people and wounded 19 others. (He gleefully cried out "what an adventure!" while systematically blowing their heads off)...

And it goes on. Like the goon from Cleveland who shot four people while "worshipping" rock musician Marilyn Manson... the Crandon, Wisconsin maniac who got in a fight with his girlfriend then murdered six people...

...the 28-year-old dope-smoker who showed up at a Seattle party with a machete, a 12-gauge pistol-grip shotgun, and a .40-caliber semiautomatic Ruger handgun, then handily killed six people and wounded two...

... the killing fields of Virginia Tech, where 32 people were killed and 22 wounded... the Sandy Hook tragedy where a deranged gunman shot up little kids in a Connecticut elementary school.

The Boston Marathon bombing, the Florida nightclub, the Dallas cop killer, San Bernardino, the Ft Lauderdale airport, the Sutherland Spring Church killings, the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, the massacre of concert goers in Las Vegas...and on and on.

These aren't rare isolated incidents anymore. No, they're actually becoming shockingly common. Last year alone there was 346 mass shootings in the U.S.

And not knowing how to deal with it puts you at a huge disadvantage.

Okay... SGT Wagner is no sociologist. He can't tell you why this keeps happening. All he knows is that a hundred years ago people weren't responding to a lousy report card or a bad "happy meal" by massacring innocent civilians.

So no... he doesn't know why... but he's determined as hell to show you exactly...

What You Can Do
About It!

And the exciting thing is that you'll discover the exact same "reality-based" system taught to elite Special Forces around the world. It's so easy... so quick... and so powerful that:

  • Each "concept" takes justtwo minutes to learn and almost no time to train...
  • It's practically impossible to forget. There are no kicks... punches... or "moves"that need to be "memorized" at all...
  • There's no need to be in shape or have any military or martial arts training whatsoever. Just straight to the point and easy to learn. It's no wonder why busy military guys absolutely LOVE this (and why YOU will too).

So here's what I did for you: When I got word of SGT Wagner's new mission in life (yes, I have very "deep" contacts), I quickly assembled my camera crew and got him into the studio.

And the result is one of the most amazing instructional DVD ever produced. I'm not making this up. This vital information will protect you and your loved ones.

SGT Wagner calls this program his "American Tactical Response", and I couldn't be more proud to be part of this. It'll blow you away. Absolutely stunning material you won't find anywhere else.

In this DVD package you'll discover:

  • The simple secret to walking-away unscathed from a pipe-bomb or grenade attack -- even if it's detonated right at your feet! An incredibly effective trick known only by elite Special Forces (until now)...
  • Why it's often very easy to attack and eliminate a crazed gunman. Wagner shows simple "ambush" techniques that'll take him out of the game (sometimes permanently).
  • Why practically every martial arts is completely WRONG about how it trains for an armed opponent (most of this "dojo stuff" will get you killed). Learn the simple, fast, and easy methods to winning in actual "real-world" armed combat (forget about the crap you've seen on TV).
  • The easy secret to not allowing anyone to draw a gun or rifle bead on you (very  nifty), making you practically untouchable  -- even against an expert marksman.
  • Why there's really only THREE standing positions an opponent can possibly take, and how this simple fact can put you in total command -- even if your opponent is armed to the teeth! (It's what the Israeli's call "Kadeema"). Simple stuff that really works.
  • The easy "zig-zag", "button hook", and "crisscross" maneuvers that are extremely effective -- even against a "spray and pray" shooter with a fully automatic weapon. (SGT Wagner has actually used these techniques in the field... where it counts!).
  • Why understanding a weird little fact about rifles can give you a 30-35 foot jump on your enemy. It's a simple secret combat soldiers use to get their ass out of a "hot-zone" fast.
  • The first thing you MUST do when under IED attack, (and the biggest mistakes most people make). You'll be only one of a handful of "civilians" who knows exactly what to do.
  • A point to point "kill zone run" that is the key to escaping right from under a gunman's nose with minimal risk (it relies on a little known fact about human reaction time).
  • A very cool "door-dash" secret super-effective for office shootings. It's the exact opposite of what you'd think -- which makes this a wildly effective (and a huge "ah-ha" experience for you).
  • 4 simple "noise discipline" tactics to avoid giving away your position while you wait for your chance to launch a vicious counter-attack.
  • What to do if you're cornered, including highly effective (and simple) surprise attacks... disarms (unlike anything you've ever learned before)... instant knockout moves... and how to quickly turn the tables on the enemy and become the aggressor. Vicious stuff that the enemy won't be expecting.

And a lot more. An easy three-step process to pop-up off the ground (you never want to be on the ground)... a simple "flip flop" knee-busting move that'll "knock out his wheels" if you do get stuck on the ground... why you should train with stage blood (hint: it's slippery, slimy, and forces you to deal with the reality of bloody combat!)... where you can (and can't) get sliced by a knife (you'll now know exactly the which areas to protect)...

...what a real knife attack looks like (very cool demo that will open your eyes fast)... how "talking with your hands" can have you in a attack-ready position without the enemy suspecting a thing... and tons more.

And I'm just scratching the surface here. It's over 3 HOURS of simple, cutting edge, unique instruction from the world's most accomplished counterterrorist expert. These are the same secrets used by Special Forces soldiers to combat the likes of Al Qaeda and ISIS!

It doesn't just get any better than this.

Look... I know my countrymen. When it comes to protecting themselves and their families, Americans will always choose to take action rather than sit on their hands.

And that's what I'm betting you'll do now.

You understand the score... you have the solution at hand... and you know my little company is dedicated to getting you the best... always.

So here's what you need to do now: Click on the "Yes" button below to order this over the web. Use your credit card. It's totally safe and we'll ship your order out to you immediately.

The cost for this 3-hour, 3-DVD package is $120 -- but as an "hotlist" member I'm slashing a full $50 off the top for you. That makes the price for you just $69 (that's for my "hotlist" only, and only available on this special "hidden" webpage).

Considering that jetting off for personal training from SGT Wagner (if you could arrange it), would probably cost you in the thousands, that's one hell of a deal.

But WAIT -- I've got something more for you. A FREE bonus DVD package I call "SWAT Skills".

It's just very cool fighting information and skills you could only get from front-line enforcers who have to rely on them every day. Check out what you're about to learn:

  • How to "assess" the threat of any situation -- in a split second, like a SWAT cop in a "panic raid". (Most civilians have zero clue how to figure out the potential for violence in a surprise confrontation with a criminal.)
  • How to know when your opponent is sizing you up for a quick assault. (Gives you an extra few seconds to surprise him when he finally acts.)
  • How to punish your attacker with painful kicks, brutal neck wrenches, and vicious submission holds that will let you keep him down for as long as you like, without breaking a sweat.
  • How to inflict mind-numbing pain in anyone who gets behind you.
  • How to learn the SWAT cops "door busting kick" -- equally good for kicking in doors, and for laying out a large attacker.
  • The simplest take-down moves you'll ever learn. Put him on his butt, stunned with pain, ready to kiss your feet to stop the punishment.
  • How to punch out the main nerve centers in his body, shutting him down like a rolling blackout.
  • How small cops use the "elevation of violence" to immediately control an out-of-control situation. (You'll get total cooperation, no questions asked.)

It's an amazing piece of work packed with vital information you'll need.

This bonus is almost 3 hours long -- which means the total package is nearly SIX HOURS!

After you've been exposed to this special teaching... you will be able to hold your own in ANY street situation that comes up. With total confidence. Just like a veteran SWAT cop or a Special Forces soldier hunting down terrorists.

But here's the thing: This is all on a rush-rush basis. You may not want to tell everybody this, but I've only duplicated off a "gross" of these bonus DVDs (that's just 144 total) and once they're gone, that's it.

I simply can't afford to take give this away to everyone.

So you must hurry -- you may never see this killer deal again. If I don't hear from you in 11 days on this, the $50 savings and the additional free 3-hour bonus will be passed onto the next "hotlist" guy below you. So order right away.

SGT Wagner is not only a real fighter (with 146 counter-terrorist missions), he's also a teacher -- inducted into the Black Belt Hall of Fame in 2006 as "Self-Defense Instructor of the Year". They don't hand out Hall-of-Fame honors and put people on the cover of world-renouned fight magazines (twice) for no reason.

SGT Wagner is the real thing. His training is the real thing.

This is perfect for anyone who wants to learn to protect himself and his family in the real world. Nasty, quick stuff that doesn't require strength, agility or size.

I'm personally honored to know this guy. This is the stuff I've been waiting for all my life.

This is Jimbo over here at FightFast, signing off. But before I go, allow me to do a quick recap.

Order right now and I'll rush you:

  1. SGT Jim Wagner's American Tactical Survival" skills package. 3 DVDs, over 3 hours of counter-terrorist instruction from the world's leading expert. This is the real "meat" of the package...
  2. A crisp clean $50 off the cost (available to my exclusive "hotlist" only)...
  3. The "SWAT Skills" FREE bonus DVD package. 2 DVDs, nearly 3 hours of instruction.

As I've said, that's almost SIX HOURS of mind blowing instruction.

But you got to hurry. If I don't hear from you within 11 days, your $50 and your "SWAT Skills" bonus will disappear forever.

Don't let that happen.

Hit the "Yes" button now. I’ll see you inside.

FightFast Self Defense Videos

As Seen In:

As Seen On: American Handgunner, Black Belt Magazine, Guns & Ammo, Men's Fitness, Men's Journal, Muscle & Fitness

Accredited Member of:

Accredited Member of: NRA Business Alliances, BBB, Authorize.Net