This letter is

For TRS "e-Hotlist" Eyes ONLY.

Please do not — under any circumstances whatsoever —
share ANY of this with non-cleared persons
(including family and friends and coworkers).

To: TRS "Most Favored" e-hotlist member
From: Bob Pierce, President, TRS

Dear Friend:

I have something very important here I want to send to you right away.
It's in my office, and my assistant Barbara has instructions to rush-ship it, as soon as she hears from you.

With your permission… and with STRICT precautions for absolute privacy… this shocking package can be in your hands in a day or two.

It will, I believe, change the way you look at the world for the rest of your life.

And if you do not agree, after seeing what I have here for you… I will let you see if for FREE if you so choose.

That's how important this is.

That's how desperately I want to get this into your hands as soon as possible. (And please respect my request for secrecy here — we could get in a lot of trouble if this got into the wrong hands.)

Here's the story: My high-level contacts in Germany recently put me in touch with a man who has almost zero name-recognition here in the U.S. — but who is considered a hero among elite German military police units.

His name is Thommy Boehlig. And he has agreed — after a TON of contractual wrangling and guarantees of security — to share what he knows with selected people on the TRS Hot List (like you). What Boehlig teaches — and knows, maybe better than any other man West of Beijing — is a brutal, vicious, unfair form of Chinese-based combat called Wing Tsjun. Perhaps you've heard of it.

Bruce Lee credited Wing Tsjun as the basis for Jeet Kune Do. It's a powerful fighting technique consisting of very simple (and easy to quickly master) moves that will instantly — and with nasty, bloody results — end any confrontation right then and there.

And here's something for you to consider: If you have years to study a martial art, then by all means get down with Jeet Kune Do (or any of the other excellent fighting systems out there).

However… if you do NOT have the time to devote to getting good in a more formal art…

Then there is NO system that gets the job done better… or faster… than Wing Tsjun.

When push comes to shove in the REAL WORLD… this is exactly the proven "bag of tricks" you want to beat the living crap out of anyone who threatens you.

Wing Tsjun is NOT, however, something to be taken on as a "hobby".

Why not? Because…

  1. It is so dangerous, that it's methods are absolutely and unconditionally banned in EVERY fighting MMA competition out there.
  2. This system was developed around 300 years ago during a Chinese civil war… and specifically counters ALL other styles of Kung Fu. Think about that.
  3. Yet… it is SIMPLE to learn. During that civil war, women used these same tactics to slaughter and humiliate armed and experienced soldiers… after almost NO serious training. Think about that.
  4. What's more… though Wing Tsjun will put down a much larger, stronger, more skilled and more pissed-off opponent as easily as pushing away a naughty lap dog… the "secrets" of its success is simply easy-to-master punches, kicks and blocks.
  5. Nothing fancy. Nothing requiring prior training or skills. You don't need to be strong, or fast, or even in shape. Couch potatoes master these moves quickly. (Never bully a person who knows this stuff, no matter how weak or mild they appear.)

And yet… despite all this simplicity and ease-of-learning… Wing Tsjun remains a rare combat system here in the U.S.


Because it's so friggin' NASTY. Many of the moves cause serious damage.

If you're looking for a system that subdues bad guys without hurting them, try Aikido or grappling.

But if you're looking for a self-defense SHIELD that will utterly and complete DESTROY any criminal who messes with you… Wing Tsjun is what you want.

And this may be your ONLY chance to learn this shocking system.

Because, while it's spreading across Europe, it's still a big darn secret here. (One State in Germany even demands that ALL police recruits learn Wing Tsjun because it's easy, quick to master… and yet provides "permanent" solutions to the increasingly lethal threats of terrorism over there.)

Boehlig is so good at teaching this exotic, simple system that he was asked to provide close-protection for such famous people as Cardinal Machado (from the Vatican), and the Japanese equivalent of the Dalai Lama: Buddhist high priest Zuiou Inuoe.

Boehlig also got down in the dirt with his art, too.

For 8 long, bloody years, he was the main "go to" bouncer for the toughest and most dangerous clubs in Germany. (In Cologne, notorious for immigrant thugs who use guns and knives to settle minor arguments.)

Quick story: One night, he and his team of 5 bouncers had to "calm down" a gang of over twenty heavily armed thugs. They'll be telling the story of how he disarmed, and brutally put down, a huge pile of oozing, broken bodies.

Multiple attackers, armed and seeking to hurt you, are no match for the simplest (and easiest to learn) Wing Tsjun techniques.

So here's what I have for you (and again, please keep this secret): We pulled strings (I still have excellent "inside" ways of getting this kind of stuff done, you know) and brought Boehlig over here to film him giving his famous "Single Lesson" in mastering street-level Wing Tsjun.

That's what's in the package I have set aside for you here.

The DVD of that shoot.

For anyone seeking to learn "total" self-defense in the fastest time humanly possible… this DVD is PURE GOLD.

However… I am NOT asking you to trust me on this.

You are NOT being asked to "say goodbye" to any money in order to check this out for yourself.

No way.

Instead… I have arranged for you to be rush-shipped this DVD immediately (because you've been pre-cleared).

And… you get a 100% Money-Back Guarantee, no questions asked.

For 6 entire months.

You don't NEED 6 months to decide, of course. I just want to make it clear that I'm bending over backwards to make this brain-dead SIMPLE for you.

That's how much I want to get it into your hands.

So get straight on this: You do not risk any money, at any time. You have 6 months to check this DVD out, at your leisure.

And if you're not blown away… (and you do NOT have to give me a reason for not being happy)… then I INSIST you return the DVD…

…and I will make sure you are immediately refunded your purchase price…

I'd go broke, of course, if I made such an offer without truly believing this is the REAL THING here.

However, I seriously doubt you — or anyone else on our in-house Hot List — will return this DVD, once you see what's on it.

(I still insist that you DO return it, of course, if you're unhappy for any reason at all. I just feel so strongly that you WILL be blown away by what you discover.)

There is, however, one small problem:

You Must HURRY!

We are under strict requirements for producing and stocking these secret DVDs.

Therefore… there is a serious LIMIT to how many are available right now.

There is one set aside for you — in your name — here in my office.

However… if we do not hear from you within 11 days… I will assume you are uninterested in learning this shocking fighting system… and I will reluctantly release your DVD to the person BELOW you on the list.

I expect many people on our Hot List to get shut out on this stunning offer. They'll WANT the DVD… but will not act in time to get one.

Please don't be one of those guys.

Don't lose out. Act right now — there's a DVD package waiting to be rush-shipped to you RIGHT NOW.

And you do not risk a penny… and the generous guarantee means that you can see this amazing material for FREE if you choose.

Here's what you need to do right now: Hit the "Add To Cart" button below right now.

Use your credit card. This is the fastest and easiest way to get your hands on this fast. The cost is just $69. Less than you'd pay for a single lesson at many elite dojo's "teaching" less effective, less powerful martial arts.

This is a bargain beyond belief.

Or, if you'd rather talk with a real live operator, then just call 1-800-899-8153. Say this exactly as I've written it: "I want the WT DVD you have there in my name."

This will alert whoever takes your call that you are involved in this SPECIAL arrangement. (They will NOT, however, know WHAT is on the DVD. Your privacy is protected completely.)

Barbara (or one of her two assistants) will take down your credit card number and shipping info, and release your package for immediate mailing.

You can call anytime, however — if Barbara is out of the office, or you call after-hours, I have arranged for a service to take down your information.

Important: This service has NO IDEA what this package contains. Again — total privacy.

Or, if you prefer to write a check (payable to "TRS"), then mail your $76 (that's $69 plus $7 shipping and handling), to: TRS, Dept. WT-300, 606 E. Acequia Ave., Visalia, CA 93292.

No matter how you order, your package will be shipped out right away. You will be among an elite group, yourself, who finally know the secrets of this amazing fighting skill-set.

Remember: You have a 100% Money Back Guarantee… for 6 full months.

No questions asked.

But you must HURRY.

In 11 days… if we haven't heard from you… we will assume you are uninterested in learning Wing Tsjun, and will release YOUR package here to the person BELOW you on the Hot List.

And I must WARN you: If you let this opportunity pass, you may never get another chance to see this DVD (or learn this system).

So please… get back to my office immediately.

Thank you.

Bob Pierce
Prez, TRS/Fight-Fast

P.S. Still not convinced? Then listen to what guys who KNOW are saying about Thommy Boehlig:

"I have never seen anything like it before in my life! This young guy just made my 8 years of hard Tae Kwon Do training look like I had graded for my yellow belt! I had to learn this!"
-- Dean West, England.

"What fascinates me most about WT is that each attack can be easily defended against with minimum usage of strength. The movements are not fancy, the principles are easy to understand yet effective, and always offer more then one way out of a bad situation. This makes the system very suitable for the street." -- Jacqueline Vollmer, Germany.

"In my profession as a bouncer and a close-protection bodyguard empty-handed self-defense is one of the most important tools. Thanks to this I was able to free myself from precarious situations in a number of cases. WT is ingenious through its simplicity. Its core is to find simple solutions for complex problems. The realistic applications make sense in a real-life situation and you will not find any unnecessary movements. The system is easy to learn for everybody due to the fact that no physical strength is needed. I recommend this system to everyone who wants to become capable to defend themselves in a short period of time.
In the contrary to many other styles, where the student needs many years of practice to apply the techniques properly, WT mainly deals with techniques that enable the student to deal with all common attacks that could happen on the street. In my eyes Sifu Boehlig is one of the most competent specialist in the field of self-defense and unarmed combat." -- Tobias Kleinhans, Germany.

"You learn to defend yourself from the first minute you start training! This increases motivation, self-confidence and life-quality!" -- Christopher Jansen, Germany.

"Not only has Wing Tsjun given me a lot of self-confidence; it also makes me react calmly and focused in otherwise high-stress situations." -- Ben Berendes, Germany.

"This a highly effective system that can be applied in any self-defense situation. I would recommend WT to anyone!" -- Richard Martin-Gossage, England

"I was very unsure in life, didn't have a lot of friends and a lack of self-confidence. What I wanted was something that had a benefit for the spirit, body and mind and that would give me more self-confidence. This changed my life completely! WT has become a way of life that satisfies me on levels which I never knew existed!" -- Filip De Schepper, Belgium.

"Apart from his detailed expertise about the system, what impresses me about Thommy is his skill of applying Wing Tsjun movements in a clean and classical way without losing the effectiveness the system needs on the streets." -- Nino Samaan, Technician, Germany.

"In the past I used to have pain in my left shoulder. I can only recommend the Wing Tsjun training, since it increases coordination, stamina and strength as well as concentration, relaxation and the mobility of the body." -- Dr. Ralph Thoms, Germany.

"Thommy Boehlig is showing the way! I work as a professional bouncer and I am very often confronted with violent situations. WT gives me the means to restrain and arrest the aggressors, not only the fastest way but also the safest for me and them as well. The training enables you to assess the level of force necessary in a situation and keep it within the legal requirements. Its effectiveness makes it a perfect tool for anyone who, in their jobs or anywhere else, must deal with extreme violence." -- Oana Stan, Scotland.

"WT has brought balance to my life. Thommy Boehlig is a great mentor and radiates positive energy to the people around him." -- Keith Sazer, USA

"Over the years I collected experience in different other styles such as Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Kickboxing and Taiji. I was pretty confident about my skills, that is to say until I met Thommy Boehlig. He crushed my world view. High spinning back kicks, jumps and wide swung hand attacks cost a lot of time and strength to apply them properly and time is exactly what we don´t have in a real self-defense situation. I emptied my cup, threw all my martial arts experience over board and began from scratch again. Thanks for opening my eyes!" -- Cüneyt Tan, Germany.

"I was immediately blown away by the simplicity and efficiency of the system. Wonderful!"
-- Sifu Daniele Macri, Italy.